Goodbye Luca

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"Jocie" -R

"He's gone Jocie... My Luca is gone" -R

"We can figure something out Rae we can fix this" -J

"It's too late... He made me promise; I have to kill him" -R

Before Jocelyn could protest Willow shut her out "Still speaking with the enemy?" Sebastian said. Willow blinked rapidly unable to believe what she was seeing Luca still stood before her "I decided I liked this look and I know you do too" he said cleary reading her confusion. "You get to keep your precious Luca and I get you" he said pecking her lips; she wanted to move away but she couldn't. "What about my brother?" she asked shaking with anger. "He can go for now, he'll die soon enough with the rest of them" he then instructed William to remove the rune connecting her to Jocelyn; afterwards he had Melanie block his memory before returning him to London. "See I can be nice" he grinned releasing her from the invisible restrains. She wanted to fight him but she couldn't bring himself to do it, she knew it was Sebastian but he still looked like Luca; he could even suppress the demon and take the form of her Luca. Nearly a month had passed, Sebastian was gone almost all of the time preparing for Lilith's return leaving her alone with Melanie. She'd begun to hate herself for not being able to keep her promise to Luca but every time she thought about it her heart went to pieces. Sebastian had been gone for two days but was due back that night and she was dreading it; he never kept his hands to himself and snuck kisses knowing that she couldn't hit him and she hated her body for responding to his touch. Though he hadn't tried to have sex with her she knew he took pleasure in her torture. She told herself that she hadn't betrayed Luca, she wasn't attracted to Sebastian, just the body he was possessing. At breakfast she and Melanie were talking like usual when bile came rushing into her mouth, she sprinted up the stairs and threw up everything she'd just eaten until there was nothing left, Melanie stuck by her side holding her hair while she retched; she suddenly felt light headed and drifted off to sleep. Willow woke mid afternoon with her head in Melanie's lap, she looked like she'd been crying. When their eyes met Melanie shocked her by pulling her into a tight hug "What's wrong Mel? Why are you crying?"

"I know you've been struggling with keeping your promise to Luca but you have to make a decision and you have to make it now" she whispered staring into Willow's eyes. "You're pregnant Willow" Her heart stopped and her hands unconsciously wrapped around her belly "Willow!" Melanie screamed snapping her out of her thoughts. "He has already taken away the love of my life, I won't let him have my baby too" she said looking at her stomach. "I'm so sorry little one, I have to kill your father"

Sebastian had returned a little after midnight covered in the stench of death, he had waged war with the Clave and now the rest of her family was at stake. She heard him come into her room and the bed sunk in with his weight as he settled in and stared at her. She stared back wanting to remember every detail; Luca's curly brown hair, his caramel eyes, the curl of his lips. I'm so sorry Luca she thought to herself as she caught Sebastian by surprise and kissed him. Sebastian let a moan escape his lips then pulled back she could see the wheels turning in his head. "I can't stand it anymore and I'm tired of fighting it" she said twirling a lock of hair around her fingers. He crashed his lips onto hers feverishly ripping their clothes off, in her head Willow was screaming but she managed to maintain her composure letting her mind slip away until it was over. Sebastian was asleep holding on to her tightly but she managed to wiggle out of his grasp; fumbling in the dark she found his steele and a seraph blade. She stepped into her shorts and slipped her sports bra over her head just as Melanie entered the room and silent tears began to fall. Melanie began whispering silently then nodded at a Willow who began tracing the rune to release the soul over the other, Sebastian's eyes flew open and he began to struggle but couldn't move under the weight of Melanie's spell. "You sneaky little bitch!!!" he screamed and tried to call forth the demon but it was too late his soul was being torn from Luca's body. Melanie's chant changed and Willow held tight to her blade watching Sebastian's true form solidify before her "you may have stopped me but the army still comes and my will shall be done" the demon growled. Willow called the blade to life and plunged it through Sebastian's chest ending his life for good. Melanie's skin began to glow faintly then it disappeared and tears fell from her eyes "I'm no longer bound here; I'm free" she turned to see Willow crying over Luca's lifeless body, he looked so peaceful. She cried all night and slept next to his corpse, how could she live with what she had done...

Once William had returned The Circle had decided to return to New York and report Willow and Luca's capturing along with any information they had acquired. Weeks after Sebastian appeared before the clave after possessing Luca and gave them the option of either relinquishing their power and serving him or dying and of course the chose the latter. Now here they were preparing to return to Idris to stare another war in the face. At Willow's request Melanie stood at the door of the New York Institute wit Luca's body at her feet and when the door swung open revealing a tall dark haired girl with piercing green eyes. "You must be Jocelyn... I'm Melanie" Jocelyn drew a blade and pointed at her throat when she saw Luca's body at her feet calling for the others who arrived quickly. Fin dropped to his knees scooping his brother into his arms sobbing "Where's my daughter!" Clary screamed grabbing Melanie by the throat. "Willow asked me to bring Luca here and to apologize to Fin on her behalf. She says coming back would remind her of Luca and she said she couldn't bear it" Melanie told them of Lilith and the demon armies, about Willow's sacrifice to rid the world of Sebastian for good but she said nothing of her pregnancy as Willow requested. "Do you know where she is?" Jocelyn asked. "I'm sure she will return when she is ready, she just needs time" Melanie apologized and left; once she was a safe distance away she portaled to Charleston where Willow was now living in an house that appeared to be abandoned to the untrained eye. "They will really miss you Willow are you sure that this is what's best?"

"I'm sixteen, pregnant and I just killed my child's father... How do I face my parents and the rest of my family, what about Fin. I killed his brother Mel" she sobbed. "What about you, you can go home now?" Rae pointed out. "I will eventually, I want to make sure you and the baby are okay first; I owe you that much"


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