Day 40-3: Solitaire

Start from the beginning

When the room returns to its silence, the curling fog sweeps through the main room, and the Queen shields her mouth from a sigh.

"So those are the stowaways from that Spade ship? How disappointing." Her sharp eyes lurk left. "Uno."

But the grim reaper has already grabbed his scythe. A grin stretching from ear to ear, his red pupils glow from beneath his cloak.

"Yes. Yes. Yes," he giggles, tossing the scythe over his shoulder. "Bodies?"

"Their heads are enough." She twists her hips as she strides towards the throne splayed out at the back of the room. She collapses into the refurbished chair, her chin resting upon the back of her hand. "My gallery has been looking rather dry lately. All the heads I have now are starting to decompose."

"We should freeze them more thoroughly next time," Mavix says.

"No matter. At least with these deaths we'll have gained a precious human and Mond head." She leans back against the feathers of the large bird. "Maybe I should've told Uno to keep their bodies as well—they should sell for a lot on the underground market."


Footsteps hang in the air until all eyes are stilled in the distance. They walk slowly and don't dare falter their pace. A crow flaps their wings in beautiful gestures, leading the way for the purple-haired daughter who saunters in gracefully.

"It's me, Queen Estelle."

"Valentina." Estelle stops to laugh when she comes to a halt and mannerly bobs her head. "What a nice surprise. How did you know I was in here?"

"You scared every last servant into doing work. It'd be harder not to notice the swarm of bodies bombarding the halls on my way over."

As Valentina straightens her posture, the stench of blood consumes the room in an intoxicating air. Estelle whiffs from pleasure, eyeing the fresh stains against her gorgeous dress.

She gushes, "And you slaughtered some for me?"

"I thought you might like a gift or two for your wall."

Estelle doesn't have a raise a single finger to catch each ghastly head that float their way over. Mavix collects them, including the servant head from the balcony, with a smirk of approval.

With three taps of his wand, he squeezes every last drop of blood into two glasses before tossing the pale entities into a freezer to cool.

Valentina collapses onto the chair Mavix slides over for her. Her crow's beady eyes remain fixed on him as he carefully adds in the usual herbs before serving crimson glasses for both ladies to drink. They receive them with matching smiles.

The viscous liquid winds down both their throats in delicious hums. Estelle shuts her eyes for a moment, concentrating on the hollow whistles originating from the frosty air from the hole on the second floor. Then, Mavix takes his seat on the organ. The notes dating back ancient times carries the most chilling tune. As always, the Jack of Hearts is quick at work.

"So?" Estelle asks after a pause. "How is Avelious?"

"He hasn't left the palace in two days, so that's reassuring," Valentina replies, swishing around the liquid in the wine glass. "Though, since he's begun practicing some of his medical skills again, twenty regular servants as well as forty of our best quacks have already been brutally murdered. I swear, as soon as that idiot sees that first drop of blood he doesn't know the meaning of holding back."

Estelle titters at the news. "My dear, if he's having fun what do the number of corpses matter?" She parts her eyelids, simpering as she does. "I am simply overjoyed to hear his madness hasn't yet dulled. Since he only killed ten people last month I was starting to worry."

"There's no need for such a thing, Mother," Valentina replies. "He very much still loves death and pain more than anything in the world. The way he constantly avoids his responsibilities is far more concerning."

"He'll straighten up once he receives the Divine Right," Estelle excuses. "It was the same for the first king, and your grimy father as well." She pauses to take a sip, moaning as she licks her lips. "As long as he hasn't forgotten the plan, I'll let him misbehave all he wants after tomorrow's ceremony. Slaughter another town—even the entire Edaps Kingdom, if he so wishes."

Puzzlement reaches Valentina's features. "Plan?" she echoes, sitting straighter in her seat. "What are you talking about, Mother?"

"Did I not tell you the details? Innocence is a cute, fragile thing." Estelle giggles as she swigs another inch of the drink. "The Dia princess—Remi Mercer—she's still within these palace walls, correct?"

"She should be in her quarters now, preparing for tomorrow," Valentina responds. She can't deny she abhors the insurmountable unease that comes with it. "I had the misfortune of running into that fox this afternoon at luncheon."

"I take it you've been treating her sweetly, haven't you?"

"If you're asking whether or not I ripped those irking Half ears off her disgusting head, I very much held back," she dismisses. "May I ask why you suddenly had the interest of joining forces with the Dia Kingdom? I know we've been allies longer than the moons themselves align, but this kind of marriage is outrageous. She's the only survivor of the entire royal family. And she's marrying into our godly race? This must be a joke."

"When a little birdie knocks on your window begging for help do you simply abandon it?" Estelle counters.

"Yes. I'll slaughter it and its pathetic species if it so tries to disturb me."

Estelle cackles, loud and fit for the witch she is. "My dearest, dearest Valentina," she purrs. "This is why you are unfit to rule Straeh."

Her nails curl around the cup.

"Avelious understands. It is because he's my son he understands."

"I'm also your—"

"You are the daughter of Saga." Estelle's voice has gained a dangerous hiss. "The man that dared cheat on me? Why would I surrender the throne to a girl who has that wretched man's blood flowing through her veins? The reason you are still allowed to breathe under my eyes like this is because I can still use you. Consider yourself fortunate, my dear, and never raise your voice like that again."

"Y-yes, Mother."

"Good." Estelle smiles as sweetly as an angel. "The entire Straeh is my playground. And as soon as tomorrow, Dia will be as well."

Valentina swallows, the taste of blood unusually bitter on her tongue.

"With Avelious king, slaughtering the last remaining princess by means of 'accident' will be an easy task. And who will be the ruler of Dia then?" As Estelle prattles on, her hysteria oozes her bloodlust. "We will seize a war-beaten Revolc and wipe out a plagued Edaps. And by the end of the promise fifty-second day, the Harlequin's threat will have no meaning at all."

   The insanity drenching the Queen is suffocating.

   "My dearest, dearest, Valentina. The Queen of Hearts bows to no one; dies for no one. And she'll be Queen of all of Annadia in the days to come. A role like this is too much for you to even swallow. I killed and killed and killed and killed and killed so that we—the Straeh Kingdom—would be impregnable. And when I finally accomplish my goal and every last one of you pieces of garbage have given me my wish, you may consider yourselves fortunate. For your dearest Queen will surely bestow every single one of her beloved Hearts a death worthy of their services."

   She halts to take a long, gratuitous sip of blood. It rolls down her chin as her scarlet lips curve into malice—twist into mania—as she smirks from ear to ear.

   "Ah, truly," she coos, her mouth departing from the glass. "Madness has never tasted so sweet."

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