Chapter 6: W-what happened to me?

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Sally: Hey everyone! Weasel is gonna make me, Jeff, and LJ to cover for her. Enjoy this chappie!! *smiles and waves* oh yeah. That's Eri-Chan. She is my bestest friend! I guess that's an AU. ((ART NOT MINE))
Weaselton's P.O.V

I need to tell (Y/N) this!! This is urgent! Oh please it didn't happen right now!! Oh dear Zalgo, please. I don't want this to happen.

Weasel: (Y/N)!! Where are you!?

(Y/N): I'm right here!!

Weaselton: *smiles widely* There you are! I need to tell you something. Come with me. *takes (Y/N)'s hand and runs to a mirror*

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I wonder what's happening. I haven't seen her this panicked. Something better not happen. But. . . Why at a mirror?

Weaselton: Don't let go of my hand. I don't want to lose you.

(Y/N): Okay Weasel. But what are we DOING! AH! *falls through mirror*

Weaselton: *falls through mirror as well* IN WE GOOOOOO!!

*time skip by Hermione hitting Ron with her THICC books*

Where am I? Am I in heaven? Is this. . . The Mirror Dimension? Please don't say it is. What is that bouncing?


???: Who are you. And what you doing here? *points gun at (Y/N)'s head*

Oh shit. Heh. . . I'm in danger. Where is Weaselton when you need her.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N). And I am not a threat.

Nicholas: Oh, well. I'm Nicholas, Nick or Nicky for short. *puts gun in holster* Sorry for a pointing a gun at you. Mother says to follow me. *starts walking*

(Y/N): Hey! Wait for me. *gets up and follows* And who is this Mother you speak of?

Who really was this Mother? Was it his actual Mother? Oh well. Lets see who she or he is so that I can beat them up.

Nick: Mama is Weaselton. She took you here. That's how you got fox ears and a fox tail. You're one of us.

But still. . . W-what happened to me? Am I still (Y/N)? Now I'm concerned.

Weaselton's P.O.V

Shit, I forgot to tell Nick about not to shoot him. Ahhh craaaaaappp. Well, he knows better. Well, I have waited this long.

Weaselton: *Reading book while dogding* Hurry Jeffrey!! You need to get on hit on me and you pass!!

Jeff: *trying to scratch Weasel with his knife* OH COME ON!!

Wow, he really sucks. I have to train this teen? I wonder. . . If I hit his arms, light enough, his arms would go limp.

(Y/N): What the heck is going on?

Nick: Oh, Mama always train Jeff or Liu so that if Zalgo attacks again, just for fun, we can be prepared.

Weaselton: *hits Jeff's pressure points* Now break through Jeffrey!! Who knows what might happen!

Jeff: Hey! That's not fair!!

He needs to be flexible. Damn it. I guess I'll train (Y/N) as well. Weeeeeelllllllll, I don't give a shit. Not really.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I wanna go back to my soon-to-be boyfriend. I bet Codes is worrying about me.

Nick: I bet 100 dollars that he ISN'T worrying.

(Y/N): I'll take that bet.

Virus: (N/N)!! Where are you my sweetheart?!

Nick: Damn it. *gives (Y/N) 100 dollars and pouts*

(Y/N): *smirks and takes money* I'm over here Codes!!

Virus's P.O.V

(Y/N): I'm over here Codes!!

Virus: *wraps arms around (Y/N)'s waist*  Where were you (Y/N)?

Why is he here? And he has fox ears and tail? He looks so adorable. I just wanna cuddle with him until we both die and go into hell.

(Y/N): I was taken by Weasel to her dimension. Or I think it is her's. *wags tail* Hehe, I got 100 dollars by Nick here.

Jeff: *falls to ground* DAMN IT. Why can't I get a SINGLE scratch on her?!

Weaselton: Well Jeffery. Have you forgotten that Weasel can instantly knock you out with a fist to the head? You really need to be more flexible. *crouches to his height and pinches his cheek* That's what makes you to be a better killer than me. *smirks*

Virus: *picks up (Y/N) and takes him away* You're mine now. And I like the view I'm seeing. *smirks*

((Just a heads up your head is facing his back and your butt is facing Cody's front side. Okay, got it? Enjoy sorry.))

(Y/N): *blushes and hits Virus's face with his tail* Shut up.

Virus: Your tail is soft. *pets it roughly*

(Y/N): Ah~ Cody~ *covers mouth* Sorry.

Oh. . . My. . . ZALGO!! DID HE JUST MOAN MY NAME?! Though, that was hot. And sexy. Wait. . . What the hell am I thinking?
I got another dirty minded (Y/N) up my sleeve. Ya ready? HERE WE GOOOOO!!

(Y/N): *sitting minding his own business*

Virus: *talking to (Y/N)* What else can  you do my effeminate fellow. *smirks*

(Y/N): I can suck your dick. *smiles widely*

Virus: Hah! No. *turns away*

(Y/N): Heh, Your loss.

Me: Oh dear. I need more rest. *about to break Jeff's wrist*


Liu: OH SUCK IT UP JEFF. Yeah Jeff.

Sally: Bye everyone!! *turns off camera*

Chemicals. . . (X-Virus x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora