Chapter 2: The Killer's Best Friend (part 2)

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(Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. . . Art by me)


(Y/N): Do you know where I am?
X-Virus P.O.V

I know that voice. Is that. . . (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hello? You there?

X-virus: H-Huh? Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there. You're in Sle-. . .

(Y/N): Okay. Not gonna tell me, I'll just go. Anyways, was that your Husky that ran into here?

X-virus: No, that is Jeff's Husky.

(Y/N): *tences up and reaches in pocket to grip knife* You mean by, Jeff. . . The Killer? (Oh fuck, shits going down) *backs away slowly* I'll just actually go.

X-virus: W-wait! *grabs your wrist* You can't g- Ah! *lets go of wrist*

(Y/N): *hits his pressure points* Don't underestimate me, Bitch. I took lessons of where the person's pressure point are.

Holy shit (he/she) just made my entire arm go limp! Dang, (Y/N) can literally beat anyone by just hitting their pressure points. *falls on ground knocked out*

(Y/N): I told you not underestimate me. *drags X-Virus to a tree*

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Why does he sound familiar? He sounds a lot like. . . Cody. No, it can't be him. Wait. . . he's holding a bat with nails it. And there was a nail inside that guy's head. This is X-Virus. . .

(Y/N): *pats X-Virus' cheek rapidly* Oi, wake up.

???: Where the 'ell is that teen? I swear to Zalgo if I do find him, he has to deal with Slendy. . . And me.

(Y/N): Who's there? Who are you?!

Weaselton: Oh, It's just you. Hi, I'm Weaselton. Weasel for short. And now, I have to drag Cody to the mansion. What's your name?

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N). And, did you say Cody?

Weaselton: Yeah. Let me guess, Cody was your best friend in the orphanage? And before you ask how I know this, I steal the files that are there.

(Y/N): Oh, okay. And yeah, Cody IS my best friend. Not was. Now excuse me little girl. I have to wake him up.

Weaselton: *smiles* Patting his cheek won't wake him up. Here, let me. *walks to X-Virus* You hit right here on the shoulder so, the other would wake him up. Just gotta hit him on all of his arm and. *hits X-Virus' pressure points*

X-Virus: *wakes up* Ah! What happened? *tries to move arms* Ow! Why do they hurt?

Weaselton: *smiles nervously* (Y/N) hit your left arm pressure points and that knocked you out. And, I hit your right arm pressure points to wake you up. You will get feeling back in about 2 hours. Sorry.

Well damn, this kid can estimate how long it takes? How many times have she hit people's pressure points?! Now I'm worried for those people. Well, Weaselton said it would come back in about 2 hours.

Weaselton: Sorry (Y/N), we have to go now. And by 'we' I mean all of us.

(Y/N): WHAT! Why?!

Weaselton: *sighs* The Rake come around this time. Now lets go. If you want to live that is. *drags X-Virus by the hood*

Guess I have no choice. If I want to live, I have to go with a little girl who can also beat someone by hitting pressure points. And with Cody, I guess. But, I have to be prepared because, I am literally going to a mansion full of killers. Well, I hope they don't kill me.
Hi everyone! *waves to readers* So I decided to put myself in my story. And what I mean by "myself", I mean by Weaselton. Another note, you are like Ty Lee from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Next Chapter would be the introductions of the CPS. (Creepypastas) So! STAY TUNED. Bye my Sneaky Weasels!! *waves bye*

Sally: Weaselton? Can you put me to sleep?

Me: Okay Sally. *picks up Sally and takes her to her room*

Sally: *waves bye to you Readers and smiles* Bye.

Chemicals. . . (X-Virus x Male Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя