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     She laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking

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     She laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking. Thinking about what she has realized about herself, it made sense, somehow it felt right. She never liked men in that way, but she did like Dany in that way. To her, Daenerys Stormborn is the most stunning woman she has ever laid eyes on, but she also knew that in Westeros this kind of thing was frowned upon. Called a disease by the faith. What she is is not a disease, wonder if Daenerys feels the same way?

      Rakaeya turned and closed her eyes, feeling the need to get this night over with and get some sleep, tomorrow is another day.

     Rakaeya met with the others in the hall, Daenerys had to rule today and even though she is not obligated to be there she has been spending a lot of time around Daenerys just to be around her. She felt happy in her presence and happiness is a rare thing these days.

      The first 40 people to come before her were no big deal, it seemed as if today may be an easy day. Maybe she can ask Daenerys to talk and she can possibly ask her if she feels the same way although the possibility that she may take offense is high... But she would like to think Daenerys is different, just like her.

     Then a man came up, a sheepherder, holding a bundle in his arms that anyone could only guess what it was... It wasn't the size of an animal but it was the size of a child. Rakaeya frowned, hoping she was wrong.

     "Approach my friend," Daenerys told the man kindly.

     When he began speaking in his tongue, she was grateful for the lessons Missandei have given her as she understood some of what he spoke, "I do not understand My Queen," his voice was wobbly as he clutched the bundle close shakily, "I do not understand My Queen."

     He didn't understand their language, Missandei spoke up as the translator in the hall, "the Queen says you may approach."

     He took a few steps forward, the closer he got, the distraught look in his eyes... She was right, she already this to be true. He began to cry, speaking up but his words were so jumbled that Missandei decided to speak for him to translate, "I have brought you," he cried looking at the bundle, "he came from the sky, the black one," Drogon, he had been off somewhere for weeks now, Daenerys worried about him constantly, her fears seem to have come true, "the winged shadow," he went to his knees placing the bundle down, "he came from the sky and," he uncovered showing a body of a child.

     Rakaeya felt her heart fall at the sight as he cried over his child's body, "my girl," she looked over her shoulder to Daenerys whose reaction wasn't far off from hers, "my little girl."

      "What was her name?" Daenerys asked once they were alone.

     "Zyla, Your Grace," Missadei answered.

     "How old was she?" 

      "Three," Rakaeya looked down, it was a terrible thing, she can't imagine losing a child. She's never been a mother but she knew her own mother's love, she knew how much she loved her children. She knew Daenerys had a mother's touch, she knew her to be kind, she will take this hard. It made her wonder what she will do.

     "Three..." Daenerys turned as she met eyes with Rakaeya but turned to Greyworm quickly, "no word of Drogon?" 

     "Sailors saw him flying over the Black Cliffs three days ago, My Queen," he answered, "nothing since then."

      Daenerys walked away, speaking only one thing, "meet me at the catacombs."

      Rakaeya knew she shouldn't make it her business but she knew that what Daenerys was planning. Locking up Rhaegal and Viserion, it will break her, she didn't want Daenerys to be alone for that.

     She found her as they opened it up, Rhaegal and Viserion both went in first on her command, she came over before Daenerys could go in.

      "Are you certain?" She asked as Daenerys turned to her not expecting her to come, "you are the Dragon Queen, I know you don't want another child's body at your feet but-"

     "But what?" Daenerys questioned, "there is no other way, a child's life isn't worth any price, this is the only way I can make it right."

      Rakaeya frowned but nodded, "okay," she just nodded back turning back towards the Catacombs as she stepped into them going down the stairs to her dragons. Rakaeya watched from above, she met eyes with Greyworm but neither of them spoke.

     She watched as Daenerys picked up the heavy chain bringing it to Viserion's neck and clasping it on. She picked up the next one and did the same to Rhaegal. Rakaeya frowned as her heart ached, it felt like locking up your child. It had to. Every time in a way when they had to lock their Direwolves up it hurt like betraying a friend but for Daenerys, it had to be different. They were eggs that hatched from a fire she walked into. She believed the story. 

     As Daenerys hurried up the stairs, her children pulling on the chains screeching for her, she saw the tears running down her face once she reached the top where Rakaeya was, she turned to look at them screaming for her as they closed the catacombs behind her.

     "Dany," she spoke gently as Daenerys shook her head, covering her face trying to hide the tears. Rakaeya only sighed before pulling the woman into a comforting embrace.

     Daenerys Targaryen latched onto her hugging her like the last lifeline whilst Rakaeya Stark allowed herself to be that for her.

     They were in Daenerys's chambers, she couldn't continue with doing the city's work today. Not after that, Rakaeya convinced her to let the other's represent her as she takes a day for herself. Daenerys wasn't happy and that was obvious but Rakaeya did all she can to try to make her cheer up.

     "The dragons are my children," Daenerys spoke her heart aching, "they are the only children I'll ever have," she admitted closing her eyes looking down. Rakaeya looked at her at that, she hadn't heard that before.

      "You can't have children?" She questioned softly as she nodded, "you said you had carried a child before."

      "Yes, and he died," Daenerys spoke, "he wasn't even a babe, he was doomed from the start. The woman said he had scaley wings like a bat, his skin was like leather, and... And..."

      Rakaeya moved closer as she comforted her, "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked," she apologized as Daenerys let some tears fall. She decided to just be there for her, sure she had wanted to maybe confess her feelings today but it was clear today was not that day for that. 

     Daenerys just laid her head on her shoulder as Rakaeya didn't speak out against it, "Rakaeya," she spoke up, as she hummed in response, "is it alright if I see you as more than an Ally?"

      She was surprised that Daenerys brought it up at this moment, maybe she needed some kind of reassurance right now, but still caught her off guard, Rakaeya just smiled at her as Daenerys kept her gaze, "as long as it's okay I see you as more than an Ally."

     "Yes," she nodded, "it is." She laid her head back on her shoulder as she held her arm, Rakaeya just laid her head on hers.

//This chapter made me have major sad feels because the scene where Dany chains up her babies still hurts me but also it made me have major ship feels because the last scene is cute to me also that's the end of Season 4... Hmm, what's Season 5 gonna look like for Dany and Rakaeya?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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