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        Rakaeya felt better over the next two days, Missandei was one that would sit with her sometimes when Daenerys was busy, she honestly enjoyed the woman's company

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

        Rakaeya felt better over the next two days, Missandei was one that would sit with her sometimes when Daenerys was busy, she honestly enjoyed the woman's company. It was nice to have someone she can call a friend again. Can I call Daenerys a friend? Why did it feel somehow wrong to call her friend, she was that right? Or possibly it was something different.

     Rakaeya was ready to get back into society, honestly, four days held up in her room was four days too long, she took off her gown and dressed in one of the Meereen gowns that she had gotten. A purple one that wrapped around her neck and had a bareback.

      She met up with Missandei in the pyramid when Barristan came in looking rather bothered, it was written all over his face, Rakaeya knew something was wrong as came forward towards him.

      "Sir Barristan," she spoke making him turn to her, "you look like your on a mission, is something serious going on that I need to know?"

      Barristan was uncertain if he should tell the Stark, Jorah Mormont is of the North but is over all for the Queen to decide. It's her betrayal, "I need to tell the Queen, you can accompany if you choose," he told her as she nodded.

       Once they found Daenerys, he told her, Rakaeya was there; heard the whole thing. Jorah betrayed Daenerys, back when her father still lived. He probably even knew of it. The look in Daenerys's eyes was heartbreak it made Rakaeya's heart ache in sympathy for her.

       Daenerys was angry, just as Viserys once said, it's dangerous to anger the dragon. Hell has no fury like a woman scorn, something Maester Aemon once said in his readings to Bran that Rakaeya happened to be around for, that is what she is witnessing. 

       Standing in the pyramid a little under Daenerys across from Barristan, Missandei stood beside Daenerys as Unsullied surrounded the hall, Greyworm closest to the one person who stood beneath them; Jorah Mormont. Who stood unthreatening, shaking a bit, fear in his eyes. Maybe of losing, losing what? Daenerys's trust or Daenerys herself. Possibly both. 

      "Why did the Usurper pardon you?" Daenerys questioned.

      "If we could speak alone-" His tries were cut off by Daenerys.

       "No, speak to me here, explain it to me," it was Barristan who said that she would never be alone with Jorah again, something he seemed to have promised himself, and Rakaeya, for some reason felt the need to do the same. 

      A need to keep him away from Daenerys, someone she has grown warm to, someone she cares for. Dany was there for her when she wasn't thinking straight when grief took her over, she was there for her when she got ill, she was there for her through it all. She was more than an ally to her. Jorah Mormont has somewhat over this few months regained some respect since he was proving he had changed but founding this out, finding out he hurt her. It made her blood boil.

Legacy || Daenerys Targaryenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें