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Matt picked me up and drove us to Damon and Stefans house.

"Bloody hell. What are they rich?" I exclaimed as we pulled up their drive and the house came into view.

"It's the old boarding house. The Salvatores are a Founding Family." Matt parked and we both got out.

"So rich dicks?" I smirked, closing the car door and walking up the gravel drive to the front door.

"Stefans a nice guy. Damon..." he trailed off as he spoke and we reached the front door, "has his moments." He knocked and we waited for an answer

"Bonnie and Caroline?" I asked

"They're nice too. Caroline can talk a bit, but she means well. She'll either be your best friend or a scary enemy. And Bonnie is just too nice to be anything else." Matt smiled and chucked as he told me about his friends.

Th door swung open and Damon stood there, poker face and looking us up and down, "welcome." He blankly said and stood out our way, ushering us in, "please come in. Make yourself at home. We're in the library." Damon closed the door behind us as Matt took my hand and led me through the ... MANSION! It was huge! Wood everywhere, and you know none of it came from Ikea!

"This place has a library!?!" I questioned, running closer to Matt and whispering so Damon couldn't hear us as he walked a few paces behind us. Matt nodded and smiled at my wide eyes, "proper rich dicks then."

I felt something behind me. So I turned to see Damon smirking, as if he was laughing at what I said. He couldn't have heard.

We entered a room full of books, floor to ceiling, and a fire place already lit with sofas set out front and everyone chit chatting away.

Stefan noticed us first and stood up, "Hey Olivia. Glad you could make it."

I smiled back and looked down to Elena, who was sat next to Stefan, and she rolled her eyes before turning round to look at the opposite end of the room. There was nothing there. Not sure if she was trying to make it obvious...

"Can't say no to an invitation from such a gentleman." I smiled as we wondered over and sat on the other sofa, next to Caroline.

"This is Tyler by the way." Caroline smiled at me as she pointed to the lad next to her.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled and he waved back. He looked as if he had been dragged there, by Caroline no doubt.

"I thought that voice sounded familiar."

A voice came from where we just entered and in came some buff bloke. I squinted as I looked at him closer, "Jeremy?" I questioned as he got closer and smiled.

"Hey stranger" I got up as he stopped near me and grabbed me for a hug, "promise I won't sit on you and force feed you dirt this time."

"I hope not." I smirked as I checked him out again. My oh my had he grown! I just remember him as this scrawny little teenager who was a little weird, and a bit of a bully. To me anyway. He seemed nice to everyone else. I bit my lip as I checked him out, hoping no one would notice.

"By the looks of it, maybe she'll sit on you instead" Damon smirked, breaking my thoughts.

My mouth fell open. "oh my god." I covered my face with my hands out of sheer embarrassment.

"Damon!" Stefan shouted over time him

"What? With the look she just gave him, she wants to." He continued as my face went redder.

"Wouldn't say no." Jeremy whispered, taking my hands away from my face, smirking and winking. It did not help my embarrassment.

"OK. Movie?" Stefan asked, smiling my way as I sat back down next to Matt and Jeremy moved over to a chair, "you're the guest of honour. What do you fancy?"

My eyes darted over to Damon before quickly back to Stefan, "I dunno. Something funny. Anything. I'm easy."

"Wouldn't say that too loud" Damon smirked before bringing his whiskey glass to his lips. I watched his every move, transfixed on everything he did. When he noticed I was staring, he smirked even more.

His eyes felt like they were penetrating my soul. I felt a rising heat and had to catch my breath as the horniness took over my body. Crossing my legs, trying to get some sort of contact down there and hoping it was enough.

It wasn't.

I wanted Damon.

We sat and watched a movie and ate pizza. It was nice to do normal things. I hadn't done "normal" for a long time. Not since I last saw Matt.

The movie ended and we all stretched as we all stayed in the same spots the entire time, "I'm gonna grab some water." I said, getting up and going to find the kitchen.

I found the kitchen and when I turned around from the sink Damon was stood right there, making me jump. "Oh my god Damon!" I shouted, as my heart thumped against my chest, "I didn't hear you come in. You shocked me."

"Are we gonna keep playing this game?" Damon said abruptly.

"What game?" I tried to play dumb, but I don't think he believed me.

"Oh come on Olivia." Damon smirked as he backed me against the wall, "I can tell you want me." He whispered, leaning in close to my face, noses barely touching.

"What makes you say that?" I breathed out, trying to compose myself but it was definitely not working.

"The little glances. The way you cross your legs and slightly rub them together as you do whenever I look back. Meaning you're turned on." He leaned right near my ear, "and each time you do look my way, you bite your lip. And honey, that turns me on. In ways you could only dream about."

I felt his lips graze my neck. My breathe got caught in my throat as he did. My legs became weak, but clamped together. Not wanting him to know how turned on I actually was. But I knew I failed, he smirked into my neck before gently biting me. If only I knew then what he could have done...

He moved his head back to face me, leaning his forehead on mine as he spoke, "The things I would do." He watched his hand travel up my thigh, over my hip and up to the side of my chest, "where would I start?"

"Kiss me" I breathed out. Damon's eyes shot to mine.

"Olivia?" I stared into his shining blue eyes, "are you sure you want me to kiss you?"

I didn't know what came over me. I knew it was me saying the words, but it didn't feel like me. I didn't feel like I was in control at all. "Yes. Please."

"As you wish" Damon broke the eye contact and leaned into my lips.

As they connected I felt my whole body give up on me. I sank into his arms, bringing mine round his neck and pulling him into me. Damon pinned me against the wall with his body as his lips parted mine and his tongue found mine. He tasted like whiskey. Like regret.

Before I could think about what was happening, the sharpness of the whiskey hit the back of my throat and I pushed him away from me. I started to breath heavy. Like I couldn't get enough air. "I'm sorry... I ... I can't...." I tried to finish a sentence but I just wasn't able to. I ran out the kitchen and towards the general direction of the front door.

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