Couples Retreat Prt.1💙

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Funnymike: WASSUP H.A.G ITS YO BOI FUNNYMIKE. YOURE TUNED INTO TODAYS'S VLOG AND TODAY WE'RE FINNA GRT LITTTTT!!! As y'all seen from the title today we going on a bad kids couples retreat

*mac show all the couples*

Funnymike: Just a van full of toxicness

Jay: say we ain't toxic that's only Dede and his girl

Dede: Mane want

Dede girl: Ok we know we toxic that's why we together

Funnymike: Ummmm Ok but they don't know where we going but I doooo

Jaliyah: me tooo

Funnymike: Yea but it's like a hour away so we'll get back at y'all when we get there ON

Everybody: Ganggg

*yall all get to the place*

Funnymike: Igh gang so we made it to we're we gone be staying for the week

*mac show the place*

Trey girl: I'm damn well we ain't in no woods

*they all get off the van*

Jaliyah: this gone help with y'all relationship bond nd stuff like that

Mark: Igh when all of us get our ass toe off by a bear ion wanna hear shit from you

*everybody start laughing*

Funnymike: Ok Welcome to Camp Badkid retreat/bond building

Jaliyah: me and Mac y'all counselors

Bam: Aw hell nawl we all gone be single

*everybody start laughing*

Funnymike: Each couple get a name

Jaliyah: The Toxic couple is...

*dede and his girl start walking up*

Jay girl: where y'all going

Dede: we already know it's us

*everybody start laughing*

*they get they lil name tag*

Funnymike: The new couple is Bam and his girl

*the get they lil name tag*

Jaliyah: The quiet couple is Trey and his girl

*they get they lil name tag*

Funnymike: Umm the confused couple is Mykel and his girl

Mykel & His girl: what howwww???

Jaliyah: y'all break up every week

*everybody start laughing*

Mykel girl: dede Ik you ain't laughing y'all toxic

Dede: Ok we know we toxic

Mykel: Maneee

*they get they lil name tag*

Jaliyah: Igh the unproblematic couple is mark and his girl

Jay: I- How?

Mark: cause we don't do each other nothing

Bam: so we just finna act like that didn't just have a whole boxing match on the way here

*everybody start laughing and they get they name tag*

Funnymike: Igh last The old couple is Jay and his girl

Jay girl: Mane we ain't old

Jaliyah: Y'all argue like old ppl y'all act just like a old couple

Trey: I was just saying the same thing

Jay: we can be old least we ain't toxic

Dede girl: what you tryna say

*everybody start laughing and they get they lil name tag*

Funnymike: Igh since all y'all got y'all name tags now y'all gotta go pick a room in the house

*everybody start going in the house*

Jaliyah: Say the biggest room is for me and mac!

Funnymike; but yea we bout to let them pick out they rooms and stuff we gone get back at y'all when they finished.

3 hours later...

Funnymike: Igh gang rn we all in the living room bout to watch a movie

*mac show everybody* 

Dede girl: Dede if yo donkey lookin ass don't give me back my charger

*everybody start laughing*

Jaliyah: we gone be hea for abt a month

Funnymike: We Damn near is but we bout to end this vlog make sure ya drop a look on this video... comment who y'all think e best couple is... and smash that subscribe button Onnn

Everybody: GANGGGG!

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