Fitz POV
Jemma comes rushing in the lab angry and upset
"Hand me the screw... Now!" Jemma yells
"Hey! Why are you so upset?!", I yell back, "calm down Jemma, you are being rude and I'm sick of it, and everyone is too!"
I can tell she's shocked that I said that and I can tell I made everything just the More awkward and now she definitely is mad at me.
"I-I-I'm so sorry Jemma, that wasn't my place to say"
"Screw you Fitz, just screw you" she gives me the finger and gives me the death stare,
"Fitz! The screwdriver!" Jemma yells
"Get it your damn self, you're fully capable of finding it your bloody self"
Simmons rolls her eyes at me, "fuck you Leopold Fitz, fuck you, fuck everything! I can't do this anymore!" Simmons runs out of the lab and I know I should go after her but I just can't, I'm too mad and I'm just so angry with her
Ugh you know what, fuck her, she doesn't deserve me anyway.
Just when I'm about to get super angry skye comes in.
She runs in and hugs me and presses against me but in a friendly way. This is what I want, for a girl to need me.
I stroke skye because I know she really needs it and that she's on the edge.
"Skye. Want to tell me what this is about."
"Jemma doesn't like me and I'm not sure what is a lie and truth so I need to know, what are your feelings on me?" Skye asks
" well I don't have feelings for you like I want to date you, but I know that I really care about you and I would hate to loose you."
"Thanks" Skye says and Hugs me again and this time I hug back.
Skye and I have a relationship that makes me think of her as a sister and as any good brother would do I kissed her on her head and told her everything was going to be alright.
"Don't worry about Jemma, she's just mad." I told her
I didn't know how to explain so I tried to be as honest as possible.
"Well Jemma and I never kissed when we were on the BUS, but last night we did and it was amazing, the best kiss I've ever had. But then in the morning, which is today, I tried to flirt with her and she shot me down. So naturally I thought she was kidding so I kissed her again and she got so mad at me. She left and when she came back the yelled at me and gave me the finger and shit like that." Fitz explained, "I don't know what to do."
Skye looks shocked,
"Do whatever you think is right, and will make you happy in the future." Skye gives me one more hug and leaves me to contemplate every decision I could possibly make.
I decide on being just friends again because it would just work out, if we did it once we can do it again....

Fitz POV
"Hey Jem!"
"Hey Fitz!"
"Want to come over tonight? Movie?"
"Sure thing I'll swing by at 9!" Jemma answers
It's 7:00, ugh I should probably shower!
17 years old and still can't remember when to take a shower!
Jemma will be coming in 2 hours and I should start getting ready.
7:30 okay I actually need to get in now.
8:00 okay done with shower, homework is done, now all I need to do is clean up my dorm!
Ugh so much laundry everywhere and I'm so glad I don't have a roomate or else there would be even more of a mess!!
8:50 I hear a knock at the door, damn she's early, oh well!
I open the door to see Jemma there with a big smile on her face and she's hiding something behind her back.
"Jemma what's behind your back?!" I ask eagerly.
She whips out a 6 pack of Budwiser
"Score!!!" We yell together
I let her come in and she looks around
"Wow Fitz! Cleaner than ever! Aww mommy would be so proud" she smirks as she grabs my cheeks and continues to taunt me
"What movie tonight?"
"Um how about Harry Potter?, I haven seen that in a while." Jemma answers
I put in the Movie and we continue to laugh and joke around.
Before I know it Jemma attacks me and pins me to the ground. She's laughing and making jokes but won't let me up and me being a total gentleman I don't push her off and I just go along with it. She pretend to bite me and I struggle loose just in time to grab her face nearly centimeters away from biting me.
I look into her beautiful eyes and she looks at me.
She looks down at my lips and back up and then back down again, She bites her lip and she knows I can't resist. She grabs me by my collar and kisses the hell out of me. For a minute I can't believe I wasn't the first to make a move but I kiss her back and it feels just so damn good.
"Yes Jemma?"
"I really like you"
"Me too!"
She giggles and we continue to make out.
Jemma kisses me and starts unbuckling my buckle
"Woah, Jemma!" I say and gently push her off
"What Fitz? You clearly want this and so do I, what wrong?"
Shocked I can't say anything
"Look we are both 17 and still virgins and you and I clearly like each other, there is nothing wrong." Jemma persuades
Before I can say anything she pushes me and then kisses me more. I don't stop it because yes I am 17 and still a virgin and I do like her, in fact I love her, I've known since the day I met her.
Next thing I remember I'm in my own bed but who is there next to me?
It's Jemma completely naked and so am I, damn, we had sex!
This totally is gonna ruin things between us!
I try to go back to sleep after all it's 6 in the morning but I keep having flashback of to what happened last night.
And damn it was the best night of my life. I can't stop thinking about it and I don't know what to do. Jemma is just sleeping there looking adorable as ever with a tiny bit of hair in her face. I brush it away and stroke her hair admiring how beautiful she is and how lucky I am, and somehow I mange to fall asleep.
9:00 am is when I finally wake up, thank god I have no classes today and neither does Jemma.
Jemma isn't awake but I can hear her mumbling my name
"I'm right here Jemma." I whisper
And finally she awakes.
"Hey beautiful."
"Did we just sleep together?"
I'm sacred to answer her.
What if she thinks I took advantage of her and In those 10 seconds I think of everything bad she could say or do but what I don't think of is what she actually says,
"Fitz, I'm so glad you know how I feel."
"Oh Jemma, I always felt this way."
I kiss her and I know this is what we are meant to be.
I'm so In Love with her but I know that we shouldn't date but thankfully she speaks up before me.
"Last night was great, she begins to wrap my sheets around her, "bu-"
"You might not want to stand up after what we did last night" I joke and she sits back down smiling
"But I think it's best if we don't date because we have such a good friendship and I don't want to ruin that. But trust me I really like you, I mean like really like you"
"I completely understand." I say honestly, "but first, one last one"
I kiss her and she kisses back and it's the most magical kiss even though it's our last I know that she wanted me and that she did want to date.

Present day
Fitz POV
Jemma and I didn't act as if nothing happened and yes we flirt a lot but we moved on and it was great, we never let our feelings become active again until now.
I don't know what to do. It was just so much easier the first time.
But now with all that has happened every risk is running high...

A/N: Hope you really liked this! Don't worry it'll get happier soon!!!

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