You only Live Once Pt.1

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Narrator: Yuri was getting ready for his and Victors pair skate, getting very nervous because he's never done a pair skate, and he was worried of being judged. But Victor didn't care he gave Yuri all the love and support he needed to go on. They went and skated beautifully and lived happily ever after.
Is what I'd say if the story was over but it was just beginning.

Yuri: Victor do you want to skate today and practice some quads?

Victor: I'm very tired today Yuri I don't know if I'll ever recover.

Yuri: - _ -. You were as dramatic as when I touched your part in your hair don't be dramatic.

*grabs and pulls toward his bed*

Victor: My little pork cutlet bowl why don't we just stay here and have fun here.

*blushes and shoves*

Yuri: You know what I actually have to go to get groceries I'll be back. Ok?

Victor: You're no fun. T - T. But I'll see you later my little pork cutlet bowl. *winks*

*blushes again* runs

In thoughts, Yuri: Oh GoD!!! *huffs*
It's fine I'm just over thinking things. *thinks again* oh no I'm not *whines*.  Why is he like this? I mean I still love him though. I'm gonna go to the groceries and I'll give him a gift then maybe we can practice afterwards. Yeah!!

Narrator: And with that Yuri goes to the store picks up some items and goes home and gives Victor the gift he got him. Victor was so happy. He gave Yuri a kiss and went with him to skate. Victor had an amazing idea since their 1 year anniversary was close at hand.  But soon there would be pest that comes and ruins their plans.

  Story break: hello beautiful humans I hope you enjoyed my story I've actually been meaning to write one for a long time but never had any. But now I have enough time to come out with some stories. I hope you enjoyed this chapter more to come soon.
  Sincerely, Narrator 😊

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