Part 36

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Fred Weasley
I couldn't really believe what'll that Kit and I were in a relationship, and I definitely couldn't believe what happened in the store room.
Of course I had told George about it and he was horrified and refused to ever go in the store room again.
But though Georgie was terrified, I didn't regret it one bit.  Besides, she was my girlfriend now. I loved having her as my girlfriend. It meant that I got to see a sweet side to her when we were alone.
She would play with my hair and would pout if ever she got annoyed. She would curl up into a little ball next to me as we slept, holding onto my arm.
She still had nightmares, and though I kept asking her, she would never tell me what they were about. She would always just say it didn't matter and that I didn't need to know. Which killed me because I knew she was in pain.

But other than that minor detail, our relationship was brilliant.
And I knew that everyone was happy that we were dating. Mum and dad had definitely come round to like her and couldn't imagine her not being in the same house now. They thought we were good for each other as we could teach each other things and I couldn't disagree with them.
Ginny and George were happy too, the only one who wasn't happy was Ron.
Though I never understood why.
I only understood why once Harry and Hermione arrived and the four were sat in Rons room talking.

It was wrong to eavesdrop on their conversation, but I had hoped that Ron would explain why he was so cranky about it.
I stood outside the door and just listened.
"So, Kit why are you here?" Harry asked.
"I had a massive falling out with my parents so I just ran away and ended up here." She sighed.
"And started dating my brother." Ron butted in snd I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"Who?!" Hermione said.
"Fred and I decided to give a relationship a go. We've been getting on so well."
"Kit that's great!"
"Is it?" Ron scoffed and I could picture Kits frown on her face.
"What are you on about?" Harry asked back.
"So you're meaning to tell me that you left school only a few months ago, openly dating Draco Malfoy, you mysteriously end up here in the middle of the night, and say you're not with him anymore then are now with Fred? I think you're still with Malfoy and you're just using Fred." Ron said and I frowned at what he said.
"I'm not with Malfoy! He was just lying to me and pretending to like me to get information about my parents!" Kit said angrily.
"Kit that's awful." Hermione interjected.
"I think that's bullshit."
"Ron why would I be using your brother? I have no reason to use him." Kit laughed.
"You're trying to get information to send back to you know who about the movement against him!"
"You're delusional. You truly are. I've told you so many time's I disagree with all death eaters and Voldemort. I'm sat here with you arent I?"
"You could be lying about not being a death eater. Hidden your mark."
"Ron." Harry warned.
"Oh for gods sake. When you have your head out of your arse then you can come and talk to me. But I'll tell you this. I'm not using Fred and I never ever would do that. Ever. I'm not a death eater and never will be. In fact if you ever need help against them then count me in. But I'm not using him Ron. I like him. I truly like him. But of course you wouldn't see that, what was it you said to your parents? How could a Slytherin ever love a Weasley? I may be a Slytherin Ron, but at least I'm not an asshole."

I heard footsteps coming out of the room and I backed round the corner.
Kit burst out of the room and immediately ran down the stairs and out of the house, despite Mum calling her saying it wasn't safe.
I ran after her, telling mum that I'd watch out for her.
The girl could walk quickly.
As I got out of the house she was already half way down the driveway and into the field.
"Kit!" I yelled and she turned, stopping as she saw me running after her.
"Go back inside Fred." She sighed sadly.
"Where do you think you're going?" I asked and she shrugged.
"We've only got a week or two before school. I'll go and stay at the Leaky Cauldron or something." She shrugged running her slightly shaking hand through her dark hair.
"You're not going anywhere. Don't listen to what Ron says I-"
"You heard that? You little eavesdropper" She grinned and folded her arms over her chest.
"I'm sorry Kit. I don't know why he thinks that." I sighed and took her into my arms.
"He just thinks I'm one of you know who's followers just because I'm in Slytherin and my parents are, and I used to date Malfoy. Everyone thinks it." She sighed.
"I don't think that. I think you're wonderful." I smiled.
"You have to think that. You're my boyfriend." She giggled and wrapped her arms around me.
"Bloody right I am."

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