Part 28

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Draco Malfoy
She said she loves me.
One second she didn't know what it was and now she says she loves me.
I was ultimately confused, yet hearing it come from her was enough to make me smile the most genuine smile I had ever felt.
But the smile didn't last long.
She couldn't love me. I was about to become the one thing she hated. She would never be able to love me after it happened. I wasn't someone she was meant to love. She deserved someone better to love.
Part of me wished I didn't love her. I wished I still thought of her as an enemy. If my parents or her parents or even Voldemort found out how I felt about her, they could use her against me, and that would be my worst nightmare.

"Kit," I sighed and I watched as her face fell from uplifted to almost angry.
"You don't feel the same?" She said wiping away the few tears that had fallen.
"I-I was just going to say-"
"I've made myself look stupid and vulnerable just for you to not reciprocate." She scoffed and I rolled my eyes.
"Would you just hear what I have to say instead of getting so worked up so quickly." I said and it was her turn to roll her eyes.
"I'm not getting worked up. You could have just not been an asshole and told me you didn't love me before I said it!" She scoffed.
"God you get too worked up. If you had just listened you would know that I don't want you to love me. You can't love me Kit!" I said, matching her level of tenseness.
"Tell me why."
"Because, you can't." I sighed, hating the fact that I couldn't tell her why and give her a real explanation.

I walked away from the area and into the area of the small room where the double bed was, running my hands through my hair and rubbing my tired eyes. I should have known Kit wouldn't have taken the subject of love lightly. I shouldn't have said anything about it.
Then again, I loved that she got worked up and fiery so easily. It would make her cheeks and the tip of her nose pink which always made her look less threatening to me. Not that I ever really found her threatening. Sure she was an arse sometimes but I took for granted the advantage I had over her, knowing she would never hurt me.

"That's not an explanation. Either give me one, or I'll leave." She said pointing to the door with a shaking finger.
"I can't give you a damn explanation Kit! Just drop it." I sighed and she started walking towards me, getting more and more frustrated. Couldn't she just give it a rest?
"Why are you doing this? Why are you shutting me out? What are you so afraid of?!" She said, getting louder and louder and I moved my eyes to hers quickly.
"Because I'm in love with you!" I yelled, meeting her loudness. "I'm in love with you ok? Is that what you wanted to hear? I'm in love with you and that's the most dangerous position for me to be in."
Both of us were breathing heavily out of the anger and tension that both of us were feeling.
I could tell she was searching my eyes for truth.
I closed my eyes and breathed deeply for a moment before walking over to her and brushing her cheek with my thumb.
"I love you Kit."
"Then surely that's all that matters?" She asked and again I felt my heart sink because of how it wasn't all that mattered.
I wish I could love her freely. I wished we could just be in a proper relationship and love each other. But we couldn't. And that broke my heart.

"In a perfect world we could love each other. But now, in this world, we can't." I sighed.
"Then the world doesn't have to know. But we know. And that's enough for me." She whispered, putting her forehead on mine. "I love you."
"I love you too Kit." I whispered back.

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