Part 34

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Kit King
Draco was stood in the middle of the hall in Malfoy manor.
The dark lord was circling him, saying things to him but I couldn't hear what he was saying.
My heart thumped in my chest as I watched.
Draco had his arm held out, his sleeve rolled up to his elbow.
I shook my head, feeling the panic rise within me.
Voldemort put his wand to Draco's arm and immediately Draco collapsed onto his knees.
He started to groan loudly before starting to scream.
I watched as tears streamed down his cheeks as his face contorted into a heartbreaking look of agony.
I started to protest and scream and I tried to walk towards them but my feet wouldn't move.
My screams wouldn't come out.
There was nothing I could do to save him.
I yelled for him.
But he couldn't hear me.
Why couldn't he hear me?!
All i could do was watch him writhe around in agony as the mark started to appear.

Fred Weasley
"Some get all the luck Freddie. The girl you like is staying in our spare room, maybe long term. You have a chance Fred." George said as we laid in our beds.
"I'll need more than luck with her Georgie. She's very hard to get close to." I sighed.
"I know. Why don't you take her to the shop? That'll surely get her laughing and it might make her more approachable." George said and I shook my head.
"The shop isn't even up and running. Besides I doubt someone like her will appreciate the art of pranking as much as we do."
"Don't be so pessimistic Freddie. She obviously likes you enough to have banter with you." He said and I nodded.
At least that was true.

I was interrupted by a noise coming from above our room. I looked over to George and by the look of confusion on his face, he heard the noise too."
"It was probably just Kit moving around..." he said but I wasn't convinced.
He opened his mouth but as soon as he did an ear piercing scream sounded throughout the house.
Both George and I jumped out of bed and when we left our room we saw that everyone was already awake and out of their rooms.
The screaming was still going on and I felt sweat on my forehead.
"It's Kit." Ron said and Mum looked absolutely horrified.
"I'll go." I said.
"Freddie it's not a good idea. You don't know Whats happened!"
"I'll go to. She knows us." Ron said and we both nodded to each other before heading up the flight of stairs leading to Kits room.

I was scared.
As we got closer the screaming died down but we could hear her sobbing.
It was terrifying.
Anything, or anyone could have tracked her down and could be in there with her.
As we got to the door I nodded to Ron before slowly opening the door.
I walked into the room and saw no one in there. But as my eyes landed on Kit.
But looking at her didnt make me any less scared.
She was covered in sweat and her hair was stuck to her forehead and neck. She was writhing around on the bed and I noticed that she was sobbing and screaming in her sleep.
I rushed over to her and flicked the light on before holding her shoulder.
"Kit, Kit it's ok. Come on wake up." I said and her hazel eyes flew open. She gasped for breath and flew up into a sitting position.
She grabbed at her hair and continued to panic.
I quickly pulled her close to me and wrapped my arms around her.
"It's ok. You're safe. We're here, we're all here, I'm here." I whispered.
I looked up at Ron and nodded at him to leave. He gave me a sad half smile before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Kit was shaking in my arms. The crying had stopped but she was gripping on tight to the front of my T-shirt.
"Hey. You're ok. Try and calm down" I whispered and I smiled as she started to breathe normally.
She wriggled out of my arms and sat next to me, gripping the edge of the bed.
I reached over to her and moved the hair off of the back of her neck before rubbing her back.
"Are you ok?" I asked and she nodded.
"I'm fine."
"Kit you were screaming. It was horrifying." I sighed and he covered her face with her hands.
"God. I'm sorry. I'll apologise to everyone in the morning."
"Don't be sorry. I just, I er, just want you to be ok."
"Thanks Fred." She said and gave me a small smile.

I stood up awkwardly, not really knowing what to say. I walked over to the door and opened it, not knowing if I should say something to her. Luckily, I didn't have to say anything.
I turned and she was stood up, her arms wrapped around herself.
"I- W- god, would you stay? Please? I just don't want to wake up the whole house again." She said and I swallowed the grin that desperately wanted to come out. Now wasn't the time.
"If you want me to stay I'll stay." I shrugged.
"Could you? I know it's awkward but at least if I have a nightmare again then you can just hit me or something." She said and rubbed her bloodshot eyes.
"You don't have to explain. You've been through a lot. Of course I'll stay. Also, I'm not going to hit you." I said and she smiled. "Come here." I said, closing the door and opening my arms.
Cautiously she walked over and I wrapped my arms around her hugging her tight before she clambered back into the bed.
"I'll sleep on the sofa."
"Oh erm. Sorry."
"No problem. It's actually rather comfortable. Goodnight Kit."
"Night Fred." She said.
I wrapped one of mums blankets around me and closed my eyes, secretly wishing she would have asked me to stay with her in the bed.

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