Coffee and holy water

Start from the beginning

Because he did care.

It was hard to explain, but he really liked Frank. They saw the same TV shows, liked the same bands, artists, books and so on. He really, really liked Frank. And he cursed himself. It was bad. He couldn't get attached to someone. Especially if they were creatures. That was like the biggest taboo of all time.

He was a hunter for god sake. Not just any hunter. He was in the Way family. It was in his blood, in his cells. It defined Gerard Way.

''Gerard..'' Mikey sighed. ''I'm sorry, you know.. If you can't do It, then I can do it.'' Mikey said. It was very rare that Gerard would hesitate to kill something. ''No. If Frank's a creature, I shall kill it with my own hands.'' Gerard replied quickly.

''Okay then, Shakespeare.'' Mikey said slowly. ''But, you know. Good luck with your date and stuff.'' Mikey said with a smile. Gerard nodded and walked out of his room. He needed a shower. A long shower, where he could think. Think it all through, before he could take actions.

The biggest question he asked himself was, if he could do it. Yes. Said an inner voice, and Gerard simply went with it. He was after all a cold hearted hunter. He wasn't supposed to feel sorry for those creatures.

But, Gerard knew, that deep inside of him, a voice was praying to god that Frank was human.


Outside Starbucks, 12:56

Frank really didn't like going outside on sunny days. It didn't really do him any good, as he was supposed to be hunting at nights, and sleeping in the mornings and days. The sun didn't really burn his skin, he just found it very uncomfortable. It felt like he was seen easier.

It could also be the paranoia he had taken with him, from when he was human. After all, some things never changed.

He sighed and pushed the glass doors into the Starbucks open. There were a lot of people in today, and he started to worry if he could find Gerard. Then he remembered that he could just smell his way to him, and he would find him right away. After thinking about it, he choice not to. Today he was going to be a 'normal' human being. He smiled to himself and walked deeper into the café.

''Frank?'' He heard someone call. He turned around and saw Gerard sitting by the window, with a cup of what seemed to be coffee, in his hands. Frank smiled and walked over to him. Gerard's hair wasn't messy as it was last time he had seen him. It was shorter as well. It framed his face perfectly.

Frank felt butterflies in his stomach. Well, this was something new. He sat down across of Gerard and stared at his hair. ''I see that you got a hair cut, since last time.'' Frank said. Gerard looked straight into Frank's eyes.

He nodded slowly. He looked really thoughful. ''Yup. My brother was getting pretty tired of seeing me with my longer hair. He said I looked like a hobo.'' Gerard explained with a grin. Frank grinned as well and looked around. He then focused on Gerard's coffee.

''Is it good?'' Frank asked. ''Very tasty yeah.'' Gerard replied with a smile. ''Uh, by the way, I ordered your coffee if that's alright with you?''

''Of course.'' Frank said with a wink and looked down to stare at his coffee. He looked at the name that was written messily on the cup's side.


Frank snorted. ''Really? I'm not that little, you know.'' Frank said and rolled his eyes. Gerard just grinned innocently.

''Well, forgive me.'' Gerard said. It sounded like he actually meant it. There was definitely sadness in his voice, and Frank was going to ask him about it, but he was interrupted. ''I never got to know, Frank. How old are you?'' Gerard asked with a little smile.

''Are you trying to get into phase 4?'' Frank asked with a smirk. ''Maybe.'' Gerard answered with a cocky smile. They just sat there, staring at each other for at least a minute. ''Alright, I'll tell you.'' Frank said, when he gave up. Staring content wasn't really his thing anyway.

''I'm 19.'' He answered almost honestly. He couldn't say that he was 120 years old. That would just be.. Weird and unacceptable. ''Legal, huh?'' Gerard said and drank a bit from his coffee. Frank sighed. ''As legal as it can get.'' Frank answered. His voice was literally dripping with sarcasm, and he thanked god, that Gerard didn't question it.

He took his cup of coffee and looked at it. Coffee was actually one of the few things he enjoyed. Human food wasn't really made for ghouls. Somehow coffee was fine. He really didn't know why and didn't care.

He took a sip of his coffee. The first thing he realized was, that it was burning. Not in a way of: It's hot! But in a way where it actually felt like fucking fire. He spat his coffee all over the table. He dropped the coffee, and it fell to the table with a big splash. There were a few gasps in the café and a girl who probably worked there, came running with a towel. ''Sir, are you alright?'' She asked and handed Frank the towel.

Frank ignored her as he tried to concentrate on, what the hell was happening. He looked up to stare at Gerard when he saw it. The way Gerard looked at Frank.

And Frank knew, that Gerard knew. Frank then realized why 'Gerard Way', seemed so familiar. Gerard Way was the best hunter around.

and that's how Frank Iero knew that he was screwed.

Answers and stuff:

1. Mikey cut Gerards hair after his long thoughtful bath.

2. Yes.. I got inspiration from Tokyo Ghoul and Supernatural.

3. I need to know if I'm doing this right. it's the first long story I've written, and I plan to finish it. So I would like to know what you guys think about it. 

4. If you don't get the siren thing, then let me explain. If you see a siren's reflection you can see a disgusting white-ish monster. And why Gerard thought that Frank was a siren.. Well you can probably figure that one out by yourself.

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