Chapter 5 - "Wrapped around your finger"

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"We should. Come on, I'll drive." I grabbed my keys and headed towards the front door.

"Let me know how she is, okay?" I heard Summer whisper to Mitch, giving him a brief hug.

"Yeah of course baby." Baby? Well, this is new. He gave her a sideways smile before following me out of the house.


The ride to the hospital was rough, the traffic was horrendous meaning we'd got here much later than we'd hoped. The receptionist had directed us to the waiting room, which was inconveniently placed at the other side of the building, so we took even longer. We eventually spotted the sign above the door reading 'Youth Ward - Waiting Room', finally.

Surprisingly, the room was completely empty, except for a girl sitting by herself in the corner. She turned her head to face us, alerted by the sound of our arrival. I begun walking towards her, noticing that her face was wet with tears. She stood up then, wiping her make-up stained face in the hope of hiding the fact that she had been crying.

"How is she?" My tone was softer than I think it's ever been. She hugged herself, staring at the ground.

"They won't tell me anything... I don't know what to do." Her voice cracked at her last words, she'd starting crying again.

As if on impulse, I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to me. Embracing her in my arms, I held her tight. I didn't expect her to hug me back, but she did immediately, burying her face in the crook of my neck. She was full on sobbing now, her tears dampening the hem of my shirt. She was holding me so tight, almost as tight as I was holding her. In that fleeting moment, I was her protector.

"Shh Luna, it's okay." I ran my hand up and down her back, trying to calm her. It was like my words had broken her out of whatever trance she was in, because suddenly she stiffened in my arms, then let me go. She stepped back, looking at me with an almost confused look on her face. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but at that moment a nurse burst through the doors, distracting her. I wonder what she was going to say? Almost instantly, Luna turned into the emotional mess she was before.

"How is Lily? Please tell me she's okay, please." Luna was fumbling her words out so fast, clearly eager to know how her best friend was doing.

The nurse gave her a small smile "She's fine, she's up and talking now." She had a calm aura about her, which thankfully had the desired affect on Luna as she started to calm down herself.

"What was wrong with her?" I piped up then. Honestly I don't know about Luna, but I was incredibly curious as to what had happened, especially after what that little bastard had said back at the house.

"She took ecstasy tablets, and she'd consumed too much alcohol for her body to handle. The mixture of these didn't do her any good, that's why she became unconscious. She hasn't developed alcohol poisoning, and thankfully she says she only took one of the drugs, so it wasn't enough to cause her any serious damage. Lily is very lucky, if she had taken any more there's a possibility that her liver could have packed up."

Luna was staring at her wide eyed. All I could think of right now was what I was gonna do with that little shit that gave her the drugs in the first place!

"Can I see her?" Luna's voice was barely audible, but the nurse nodded and guided her to where Lily was being held. She didn't even look back at me.

I turned around then to sit on one of those incredibly uncomfortable looking hospital chairs, that's when I saw Mitch staring up at me. I had completely forgotten he was here. Slumping down into the seat next to him, he broke out of his silence.

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