08. In the Depths of Despair

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“No! How could I possibly be happy with an end like that? Cari and Adam were perfect for each other, how could he turn into such an ass.”

“Sophie, that is how the story works. Cari was blinded by love, and I wrote it that way for a reason. When you are blinded by love, you forget everything that is bad about the person you love, and you give them the power to hurt you. Cari handed her heart to Adam and he tore it apart. It’s what happens in life. But keep reading. It gets better.”

“It’s not done yet?”

“No, no one’s story is ever done. Not until their last breath, they will continue to live a story. And I promise, Cari’s story will continue to be something you love. The way it’s going is just for the best.”

“There is more to Cari? Will Adam come back?”

“There is more to Cari. But I doubt Adam will be coming back. His part in Cari’s book is done. She is turning a new leaf in her book. One chapter is done and we get to see a different Cari now. We all have experiences and those experiences changes a person.”


Sophie was curious about everything. Even though she was only a year younger than me, she had so many questions to ask about. I found that to be a very good quality to the girl. If she went on in life without questioning anything, she would be a walking corpse. It was good to see her wanting to know more.

True to my sister’s words, a few days later we planned on meeting up. Chia and Sophie were joining us. We were going to do some shopping and grabbing dinner before going home. Things I had to be forced to do unless I really needed something from the store, like books.

We started off by meeting at the mall in my former town. I took my sister-in-laws to the food court where I knew I would find my sisters. They were always snacking away as soon as they hit the mall. I secretly hoped they bought us some stuff as well.

Arriving in the area, I notice them in line at Subway. Va noticed us first, she waved us over.

“Hi. You guys arrived in time, we couldn’t decide what to get, so we were just going to split subs. Jai Lia is buying,” Va tells us when we reach them.

“Yes, I am,” Jia Lia chimes in from the top of the line, “So don’t worry and get what you want. Luna, you’re splitting with Gao Seng. Chia and Sophie can share. We have everyone else covered. Check the menu, we’re next.”

“This is supposed to be a snack?” I asked.

“Yea, we have a full day ahead of us. You’ll be hungry by the time we are done. Kia and I don’t get the chance to shop often. We’re dragging you everywhere,” Jia Lia tells me.

“Ughh,” I whined as Gao Seng pulled me over to contemplate what to put in our sub.

After planning our sub, I look over to Chia and Sophie, “Are you guys gonna be okay with being out all day?”

“Oh yea. While you were spacing out at the wedding, I planned this trip with your sisters,” Chia tells me.

“How did I miss that? What are you guys going with?” I ask about their food choice.

We filled our bellies with food and started our scavenger hunt of goods. I was wondering if this trip to the mall was more for them or for me. Going through the first brand store name, there was no noise other than asking for options of an item. I looked around lifelessly, lifting up potential items I knew I would not buy.

When we walked out of the store, with a bag in each person’s hand, one of my sister finally noticed something.

“Wait, doesn’t this trip have a meaning behind it?” Kia asked. “Wasn’t Luna supposed to be angry over her marriage. Aren’t we supposed to act different with her being a married girl now?”

The Unwanted Promise (New Cover, Same Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin