Chapter Five

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"You've got your wand?"
"Yes, ma'am." Harry reassured her.
"All of your books?"
"Yes, miss."
"Your robes?"
"Yes, Miss!" Harry rolled his eyes, starting to miss the Dursley's. They were walking down the streets of London, a large carriage in front of them with all of his wizarding equipment wriggling around inside.

"No need to yell now, Harry. You haven't met a slytherin yet so don't get too fiesty." Minerva chuckled at her words and Harry looked up at her dumbfounded but turned back to his stuff and the train station now in front of them. They walked inside towards platform 6, then 7, then 8, then 9. Mcgonogall held him still there as she headed around the brick wall, signalling their platform.

After a few seconds, a black cat reappeared at the other side. It strutted up to Harry and nuzzled his leg. "Hello there, little one." he said, crouching down to pet the cat. He scratched behind its ears affectionately and noticed its eyes were the same icy blue as Mcgonogall's. There's no way it could be. "Madam, is that you?"

The cat nodded then hid under the carriage when a very loud family came bustling by.

"Everybody has got all of their stuff packed, correct?" the eldest woman said, her fiery hair bouncing up and down.
"Yes, mother" all the other, much younger pale people replied in their own special ways.

"Perfect. Percy, my dear, you go first."
"Alrighty. Bye mum, love you!" He screamed in the poshest accent out of the bunch as he ran through the brick wall of platform 9.

"Freddie, you next."
"But I'm George!" the one she talked to said.
"And I'm Fred." the two twins exclaimed.
"Oh, apologies dears." she said guiding one of the boys, the one who Harry guessed was George, to the platform. "Off you pop now." she said slapping him gently on his back and stepping away from the wall.

"Oh, by the way." the twin said just before hitting the wall. "I'm Freddo, actually. "

"And you call yourself our mother." Fred said as his twin ran through the brick wall ahead of them. He soon followed, jolting away from his raging mother, who was shouting curses at the two mischief makers.

"Those boys will be the death of me." she muttered to herself before catching Harry staring at the family. "Are you alright, dearie? You look lost." she said softly to the boy.

"'e looks more bewildered than shocked." the final ginger lad commented, his sister following up with a: "Bebilded!", she was much younger than everyone else.

"Oh, Ronnie." she sternly said to the boy. "Ah you alright, hun? Do you need help." questioned the warm lady.

"How did they do that?" Harry asked, pointing towards the wall. His eyes sparkled with disbelief as he walked up to the wall and admired the misplaced bricks. They had just ran through a bloody brick wall and disappeared. No screaming, no bruises... No body in fact. They had completely vanished.

The ginger lady grabbed her kids by the arm strongly, before delicately moving over to Harry's arm and pulling them both along. "To Platform 9¾!"she screamed, making them all run into the brick wall. Harry shut his eyes tight. He expected an impact, he expected to be a gonner. But nothing happened...

Then he opened his eyes and his breath finally ran away, making him aware of just how fascinating and crazy what he was doing was.

Sorry for the short chapter, I just had no idea what to write for the whole week 😂. I kept thinking of things but realising things like, "Wait Hermione hasn't been introduced yet", or "That's too Drarry for a neutral book!".

So I've just been venting my Drarry and Oc ideas in another I published book. I mean I can publish it if you want buuuuut, I don't want to take the focus off of this lmao.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next chapter and I'm sorry this one was so short 😂. Cya

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