Shivika OS: Tum hi ho

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Shivika OS: Tum hi ho

"Annika, Why the hell did you leave in the middle of the luncheon with Mr. Takkur...?didn't I tell you how important this deal was for me..."
Shivaay shouted as he saw Annika...

Annika had come out of their daughter's room hearing Shivaay come home...

"Shivaay, Shivi is sleeping...can we talk about this later...I don't want to talk about this right now and wake her up..i got her to sleep with great difficulty....she was crying the whole time..."
She explained to him....

"Shivi...shivi...shivi...I'm tired of hearing this over and over...for every damn thing your excuse is shivi...And now you ruined a multi million dollar deal because you left in the you know how ashamed I was in front of Mr. Takkur...he was offended...nothing I said would budge him...Everything I work hard to build up, you ruin with your thoughtlessness and that small town attitude of yours..."
He snapped at her refusing to hear anything she said...

"Shivaay...i told you...shivi had an allergic reaction...she..."
Annika started but was interrupted by Shivaay...

"You know what...I am realizing now that Mom was right all was a mistake marrying somebody that doesn't meet my that time I was so blinded that i couldn't see it..."
He said enraged...
Shivaay closed his eyes realizing what he had said as soon as he said it...
He saw hurt flashing in Annika's eyes hearing that...

He started but was interrupted by Annika who snapped back at him angrily...

"Yeah...I don't meet your stature...after all I'm a small town girl...maybe you should have married that tuchi luchi Tia baby or that maybe that Nagini that met your status perfectly...and that would have served you right..."
Annika snapped at him angrily...

"Atleast Ragini would have been an elegant wife unlike you..."
Shivaay shouted much for feeling guilty...

"That is...If she doesn't kill you first with her psychogiri..."
Annika replied sarcastically...

"That would have been a million times better than this...I'm tired doing everything only to have you ruin everything because of your you know how hard I worked for this...?I spend last couple of years for this breakthrough and you ruin it in seconds...if we got that deal...all our issues would have been rectified...I would have been able to get back our companies and OM...and..."

"For goodness sake...All this mess isn't my fault stop acting like it is...and go shout at those who really caused the trouble..."
Annika said to Shivaay angrily...

"Is it my fault then...?what did I do to deserve all this...?huh...tell me...?I work hard day and night to sort everything out and this is what I get back...?the least you can do is atleast sympathize with me...I'm fed up with this marriage and everything..."
He shouted back...

"Marriage...?don't make me laugh Shivaay...what we have hasn't felt like marriage since the company collapsed after KM raaz was exposed 4 years ago...Oh yeah we are "married" alright...but in reality we are what...?you exist in your own world and have no idea what is happening you even know that we have a daughter...?"
She asked him enraged...

"I can't be selfish and keep concentrating on myself....I have a family to take care off...and that includes you and our daughter..."
Shivaay snapped at her...

"If caring for our daughter once in a while is selfishness...then so be it...I'm not asking about me...atleast for our child...she is our child Shivaay...she doesnt want the luxury car that you can buy her after the deal comes through...all she needs is to have her father with her when she is sick..."

Shivika OS: Tum Hi Ho...(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now