thank you

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ahhhh i can't believe that this story is finally, officially over. i apologize for the delay in uploading the epilogue. i've been busy with work and packing and getting my life together because i leave for Italy to study abroad tomorrow !!!! but i wanted to make sure i got this story done for everyone before i left.

when i started writing this story back in march, i never expected to finish it. i was bored in quarantine while on a short break from classes and i was missing the feeling of writing on wattpad. i came up with this idea and didn't even imagine that i would be able to see it through to the end, but here we are. and for once, i've written something on here that i am genuinely so proud of. i really feel like i've grown into my writing style so much, especially in the process of writing this, and it's a great feeling.

now, for a couple special shoutouts. first of all, shoutout to malmo777. she is a constant supporter of my writing, even before it matured lol. and she's an excellent writing consultant, constantly helping me work through my writer's block. i couldn't have made it all the way through this book without your help.

i also want to shoutout some especially dedicated readers who stuck around and supported my book almost from beginning to end, and were always super interactive. i seriously appreciate you guys for reading and supporting this book, it means more to me than you know:







obviously this isn't everyone and i've certainly missed people but it's been so long that i can't even scroll back and see who were the most active readers. even if you weren't mentioned, i appreciate anyone who even read only one chapter of this story and gave it a shot. 

to everyone still here, thank you for coming along on this little experiment with me. i fell so in love with these characters and this story while writing it, it's hard to say goodbye to it now. i'm so glad i stuck with it and finished and created something i'm so proud of and that people were able to connect with.

i always do this with my stories, but if anyone has any wish to get in touch w/ me or get a peek into my somewhat mediocre life outside of wattpad, i'll leave a few of my socials:

insta: colby.noel / thatbitchcolbae

twitter: colbynxel

i probably won't be writing anything new anytime soon, or maybe ever. if i get any fantastic ideas or inspiration, i'll certainly be back. for now, though, this is my goodbye.

thank you all for reading and i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did.

xx, colby

clumsy | l.h.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora