"Hey, Win?" I found myself smiling like an idiot as I turn to JJ who was curiously looking at my face, disturbed. "Are you okay?"

"Uh..." I sat properly, smiling. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"So what happened?" JJ asked, stealing a seat from another student, sitting on it. "And you were so excited about it."

"You even planned it to happen, right?" he added.

I sighed, remembering how excited I was. I even planned for it to be a great success and now ... I'm not even hyped in talking about what happened.

It was a total failure and I should've known. JJ was never reliable when it comes to girls.

"Nah. It did not click so we ended it up early?" I reasoned out a half-baked lie.

"Really?" JJ clarified, "When I showed them your photo, they were really into it though."

Yeah, I know they were all interested in me until Bright joined in the picture. I sighed. No one could possibly resist Bright – so far that I know.

"They simply didn't click. That's all." I felt the ends of my hair stand when I felt a hand stroking my hair. I slowly turned to the guy and the person I'm trying to keep this secret from was there, standing. Sammy.

"Right, Win?" she meaningfully smiled, patting my shoulders in the process. But something tells me that she meant something else.

"U...uh." I pursed my lips, awkwardly smiling at her before turning to AJ and JJ. They were confused as to why we're interacting the way we did a few seconds ago. Well, I am too. "Yeah... I guess?"

"Also ..." she said, repeatedly poking my back.

The hell does she want?

I turned to her and she immediately sent me a signal to see her outside ASAP. She had a look of urgency in her face – and something else, something frightening.

I looked over my wristwatch and shook my head, refusing her.

I'm pretty sure the teacher's on her way and I don't want to get into trouble because of Sammy.

If we're talking about Sammy, there are only a few – actually two - things she wants to talk about: assignments and cute boys. And because there are no assignments for today, I'm sure it's about cute boys – and I'm not even a bit interested in that topic. I already have my hands full with one anyway.

I turned my attention back to the podium in front when I felt one soft arm wrapping around my own, dragging me outside. "What the f..." I angrily gasped when Sammy literally dragged my ass out the classroom.


"Seriously, what is this about?!" I pulled my shirt off before putting my hands on my waist, facing her. "Class is about to start, you know."

"Nevermind that..." she raised a brow, folding her arms to her chest. A grin coming out from her face. "I remember you saying something like 'that you were planning to prove to me something' ... what was that?" she looked like she was thinking hard, biting her lip. "...psycho ... phonological ..."

I curiously looked at how hard she was trying. What is she trying to say, really? I began thinking myself.

Ah! "Physiological reaction?" I asked, with the intention to clarify.

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