Chapter 14: The tests

Start from the beginning

The class opened their eyes to find disappointed stares.

"...Go get changed," Aizawa said.

The class hesitantly followed Izuku and Hitoshi, uneasy because of the disappointed stares.

As they made it to the changing room with boys and girls splitting up, Izuku and Hitoshi were already there getting changed.

As the boys were changing, Kaminari noticed something on Izuku's wrists.

"Hey, Yagi, what's that on your wrists?" Kaminari asked, moving to touch Izuku's wrist.

Izuku quickly down at his wrists, which were covered in past self-harm scars, then looked back at Kaminari, before quickly recoiling.

"IT'S NOTHING!" He yelled out, more of a reflex than an answer. Catching the rest of the boys' attention.

"Hey man, I was just asking, no need to yell," Kaminari said, putting his hands up in an "I didn't do it" way.

"S-Sorry," Izuku said, looking away.

"It's fine," Kaminari said, going back to his locker as the rest of the boys looked away.

Izuku finished changing and left the locker room, quickly followed by Hitoshi.

"Zuzu? Are you ok?" Hitoshi asked softly.

Izuku drew in a shaky breath and put on a small smile.

"I'm ok, Hito."

"Good, 'cuz you still have ass to kick."


"You'll be fighting Iz- Yagi, one on one," Aizawa said, almost calling Izuku by his first name.

Some of the class were excited to fight him, while others, the smarter ones, felt hesitant. They watched him fight during the Sports Festival. They knew he was good at it.

"You'll be fighting him quirkless," Aizawa said again.

The class burst with sounds of outrage.

Only some of the students didn't really care.

"Oh? Why are you guys complaining? I mean, fighting quirkless isn't bad, is it?" Izuku asked eyes narrowed, smirking.

He was challenging them. Challenging them to see if they'll speak out against his quirklessness.

The class didn't say anything, just shared hesitant glances.

"Perfect. We'll be fighting one at a time," The boy explained.

"Wait, why are we fighting him?" Sero asked Aizawa.

"To show you that he belongs in the hero course. Shinsou will be fighting him as well," Aizawa told the class.

"Well...let's get started!" Izuku said, clapping his hands together with a smirk.


Things were not looking well for class 1A.

And that's because they all had their asses thoroughly kicked by a green bean.

"HOW IS HE SO STRONG?! ARE YOU SURE HE'S QUIRKLESS?!" Kaminari yelled out from his place on the ground, exhausted.

He just earned himself a shock from Jiro, who was also exhausted.

"Shut up. It's obviously because he trained. He has more experience than us," she told him.

Kaminari just made a 'hmph' noise and turned to watch the last fight.

Hitoshi v.s. Izuku.

"Start," Aizawa said, no count down.

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