= Chapter 4 {Part 2} *Quidditch Special* =

Start from the beginning

"Oh! A tragic accident for Alicia, who will immedietly be taken to the hospital wing to have her injuries treated." Lillian said, slightly smirking that Gryffindor was down a chaser. 

Aspen zoomed off with the quaffle in her arms, looking back to see Angelina and Katie on her tail.

"Aspen!" Marcus shouted on her left. She quickly passed the quaffle to him, pulling back on her broomstick and staying above Marcus, careful not to interfere and loose the ball.

"And it looks like Marcus is going for the shoot... Then he passes to Graham and scores! One point for Slytherin! Woohoo!" Lillian tried to hide her excitement for her team, but obviously failed.

Graham, Marcus, and Aspen gave each other a nod as if to say, 'great job, keep it up', then sped off towards the Gryffindors, who had just received the quaffle to continue the game.

"And Katie is traveling fast the quaffle, heading for the rings."

Aspen easily caught up with the Gryffindors, flying upside-down, then snatched the ball from Katie's hands.

"Thanks." Aspen said with a wink, slowing her broomstick down and heading towards the Gryffindor rings with pride.

"Aspen nears the rings, looking like she's gonna shoot... Oh, she jukes Oliver Wood and scores! Winning another point for Slytherin! WOOHOO! You go girl! That's my besti-" Lillian stopped when all the students in the stands stared up at her as she flushed in embarrassment. 

"Yes!" Aspen whispered under her breath, earning some high fives from her fellow chasers and beater, Goyle. Also, included, was a precious wink from the seeker, Draco Malfoy, who was always on Dove's tail.

The Gryffindors were already heading towards opposing team's rings with the quaffle when Slytherin caught up with them, but it was too late... Gryffindor had already scored a goal.

"And that's one point for Gryffindor." Lillian said blandly.

The quaffle was handed up to Graham, who tossed it to Aspen, who tossed it to Marcus, repeating in the same pattern until a chase occurred. Katie and Angelina stayed in the between the gap. One in between Aspen and Graham, the other in between Aspen and Marcus.

"Aspen, take it, score." Marcus said before zipping off, dragging Angelina with him, same with Graham.

Aspen sighed, then got into the perfect speed position and zipped off, looking back to see if a Gryffindor chaser was on her tail... nothing. She turned back around to... WHAM 

Aspen crashed right into Ember's broomstick, sending her own plummeting downwards. A bitter scowl replaced the smirk on Ember's face as she watched her broomstick begin to sink to the ground, overweighed.

"You'll pay for this, Hale." Ember snarled.

"Not likely." Aspen replied, letting go of the broomstick, plummeting downwards towards her own broomstick.

One swift motion and she was in the arms of the seeker... Draco. She smiled up at him as he helped her down towards her broomstick.

"Nice catch." She winked.


Aspen grabbed her falling broom by the handle and leaptt off of Draco's, putting her full weight on her own broomstick, still falling.

"Up... up, c'mon." She pleaded as her broomstick refused to fly.

Suddenly, it jolted to life, hovering over the ground, only about a foot above. Aspen nodded her head towards Madam Pomfrey, signaling to continue the game.

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