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Hi! My name is Harry James Potter. I am 15 years old And this is my story. Is that even my real name?

The best part of my life was when I was born till the Halloween after my first birthday. Why?

THAT was the day My parents died - were murdered - when I was only 1 years old. My godparents? well one was in Azkaban, one was a werewolf, one hated me, and I didn't know about others... Till the break after 4th year.

But I lived with my cousin, and my aunt and uncle. Vernon Dursley was an abusive son of a bitch. He hates me because I am a Wizard. He hates me because I am "abnormal". He calls me a Freak or Boy and hurts me at every chance he gets. I didn't even know my name til I started school! I thought it was FREAK. Can you believe it?

My aunt, Petunia who is my mom's sister... Did hate me but she never hurt me. She helps me now after she found out what Vernon does to me. I am eternally grateful or I would have died years ago.

And Dudley... He used to hurt me but when he saw what his dad did to me everyday. He stopped and started helping me too. Especially with food. He is a good friend. And I'm grateful to him as well.

But then, it all went downhill. I hid everything for 3 years.... When I was at Hogwarts. But in fourth year. Shit went down.

Let me tell you what happened.


Trigger warnings: Mentions of Abuse and Rape. I will give warnings if things get too graphic.

Do not report my story.

Do not comment shit if you don't like it.

If you don't like it, don't read it. It's as simple as that. Got it?

This story belongs to me! Don't steal ideas. Ask me, I will let you use my ideas. But ASK!!

People let me know if you find a story like this anywhere.

Just to be clear, I thought of this story all by my own. I read millions of stories before I decided to write this. And if this a copy, it can't be because I didnt.


I hope y'all will like this story.





AuthorR ❤️

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