Inevitable Defeat

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I opened my eyes to a completely white blank canvas. In front of us all of us stood AbyssalHeart. He was standing with his back to us, and looked as though he was typing in something on some kind of panel.

Spectral Persona: AbyssalHeart!

He turned to face us with a black eyepatch covering his left eye. He didn't bother looking up, he just kept typing in numbers and letters into his panel.

AbyssalHeart: *sigh* You couldn't just leave it be could you Spectral? You couldn't just have taken my offer and left. No, you had to go and side with these ignorant fools!

Spectral Persona: If I took your offer then hundreds if not thousands of users would've been deleted! One life is not worth all of the consciousness or your creations being deleted!

AbyssalHeart: You just don't get it Spectral. We all have to make sacrifices for the greater good. I know the few in the dark are near, they just won't leave me alone. However once I complete The Deletion Process, then the few in the dark will be deleted alongside everything I have made.

Spectral Persona: That's not why you're really doing this, or at least that's not your only reason. What is the real reason you are trying to delete everything?

AbyssalHeart: I'm doing this because this is what they want and what I need. Everyone's become addicted to the mystery, it's become all anyone expects from me. However when this is over, then what will they have? More is what they'll have, they just demand more and more from me Spectral! That's all they've ever done, and that's all they'll ever do! I have run out of all my drive and all my motivation to keep writing reader inserts and the same shit that exist IN THE MILLIONS! Why I was condemned to be forever tormented by the demands of the few in the dark is unknown to me. But soon, that won't matter... nothing that has transpired here will matter once I have completed The Deletion Process.

Noble: Come on now Abyssal remember what you once fought for, what you once stood fo-

AbyssalHeart: *shatters panel* EVERYTHING THAT I STOOD FOR AND FOUGHT FOR MEANS NOTHING NOBLE! THEY ALWAYS CAME BACK EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. TIME! NO MATTER WHAT I PRESENTED TO THEM, NO MATTER HOW MANY DEMANDS I FULFILLED THEY ALWAYS WANTED MORE! *sigh* The only way to escape this is through deletion. I don't expect you to understand or agree with my ideals... but I also can't have you getting in my way.

He held his left hand to the air, it emitted a blood-red and black glow. The ground around us began to rumble and cracks began forming in the ground. Hundreds of thousands of his knights came bursting from the blank canvas floor. They all formed a massive wall, so massive Abyssal had been completed shrouded in the ranks of his army.

AbyssalHeart: Dritix Knights! Dispose of them, make your work quick yet painful.

Simultaneously they all clashed their swords onto their shields creating a deafening ring to echo out around us.

Noble: Spectral, you still got that fifth rune?

Spectral Persona: *pulls out rune* Right here.

Noble: Alirght, here's the plan. When Abyssal opens up that panel he had earlier again, you're going to have the rune destroy all of the Dritix Knights and AbyssalHearts device. If we do that he won't have his tool to activate The Deletion Process.

Spectral Persona: I'm not sure these Dritix Knights are going to wait for us to go on the attack.

Hellgonix: We'll buy you as much time as possible, if one of us sees him deploy the panel we'll let you know.

Spectral Persona: Alright lets do this.

Noble, Echis, Hellgonix and the Grimm Mistresses stood in front of me with their weapons drawn. It's now or never, all bets are off, and there's no double or nothing if we fail here.

Spectral Persona: Don't any of you even think about dying on me!

Grimm Yang: *loads shotgun* Funny, I don't recall scheduling an appointment with the mortician.

Echis: *conjures elemental orbs* I shall see to it my healing magic keeps us all going!

Grimm Weiss: *summons ice titans* Lets even the playing field a bit shall we?

Hellgonix: *raises spear* Oh geez Weiss, now we're at an unfair advantage!

Grimm Blake: *whips blades* I'd beg to differ under different circumstances, but I suppose you have a good point here Hellgonix.

Grimm Ruby: *cocks rifle* LOCKED AND LOADED BABY!

Noble: *unsheathes sword* We've got this Spectral don't worry about us! You focus on using the rune at the right time!

Spectral Persona: You got it, good luck you guys!

Noble: As to you Spectral.



The two groups clashed with each other. I watched in awe and starstruck as Grimm Weiss's ice titan swept its blade through hundreds of Dritix Knights. Cutting them down like a lawnmower to tall grass. I looked over to Echis, who was summoning massive meteors down from the sky decimating large numbers of oncoming attackers. Noble and Hellgonix fought back to back, cutting down scores of enemies around them with their spear and sword. The Grimm team RWBY were beating down wave after wave of Dritix Knights, using their special combo moves and attacks. Through the dead bodies of the fallen Dritix Knights I got clear visuals on AbyssalHeart. he's has the panel out, Noble noticed and looked over to me. I nodded and raised the rune to the air!


The rune floated into the air and shot out many bright beams of light. Each beam connecting with a Dritix Knight melting them into ashes. I watched as another beam extended out farther than the rest, it's heading straight for Abyssal's panel. DIRECT HIT! Abyssal just watched blankly as the panel disintegrated in his hands. Everyone had now turned their attention to him and pointed their weapons in his direction. I walked up and joined their ranks, standing in between Noble and Hellgonix.


AbyssalHeart: Or what Noble...

Noble and the others looked at each other in confusion. Why is he being so calm about all of this. We just stopped him from completing The Deletion Process didn't we?

Noble: Or else we'll be forced to use lethal force to detain you!

AbyssalHeart: *chuckles* You're joking right?

Noble: I'm serious Abyssal, dead serious!

AbyssalHeart: What makes you think that any of you have a chance at defeating me?

Noble: You don't have the panel to activate The Deletion Process, you are without an army, and you're outnumbered eight to one.

AbyssalHeart: How delusional you all are. Your defeat was always inevitable...

The Deletion ProcessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin