The Third Tower

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We crashed into the tower floor. Unlike the last tower, this ones floor was hot! I jumped up to get myself off the floor.

Grimm Weiss: *grabs head* Fucking hell... neither of you wanted to tell me that was going to happen in advance?!

Grimm Ruby: You didn't ask us...

Grimm Weiss: You absolute dolt! *sigh* You know what, it's fine... let's just hurry up and destroy this tower before we get baked alive in here.

The three of us descended down the spiral staircase leading to the base of the tower.

Grimm Ruby: So, what do we do if Hellgonix is down here waiting for us?

Grimm Weiss: Isn't it obvious Ruby? If she's down here we'll- uh we'll...

She looks over to me.

Spectral Persona: I don't know what we'll do you two.

Grimm Ruby: What if we have her join forces with us? After all if she's not truly on AbyssalHearts side, then we could potentially have a really powerful ally on our team.

Grimm Weiss: And what do we do if she was making that all up? What if she turns or betrays us?

Spectral Persona: Then we'll stop her. We got her knocked down last time we fought her. If we stand together we can defeat her.

Grimm Weiss: Still, she is quite powerful and this won't be like last time. We're in a narrow corridor with only one exit behind us. We don't have nearly as much room to move around and we certainly won't have the time to fight her once we start the towers destruction.m

Spectral Persona: We'll do what we must. We're here, let's hurry and do what we need to.

Grimm Weiss and Ruby stationed themselves in different parts of the room. Ruby stood by the door while Weiss took to the center of the room. I made my way up to the beam, this one glowing a burning orange hue. I grabbed another rune and was about to toss it into the beam.

AbyssalHeart: This game has gone on for long enough Spectral...

I turned around to meet the new voice in the room and... it's him! AbyssalHeart was standing there, using his powers to muffle and bind both of the Grimm Mistresses. I unsheathed The Redeemer and held it in a reverse grip.

AbyssalHeart: Do you really think that toy will kill me? Don't make me laugh... I'll admit though, Nobles signature weapon is quite a unique choice. But it pails in comparison to mine. Allow me to show you.

He held out his left hand. A black and crimson red mist began to form around his hand. The mist took form of a sword. It was at least five feet long, the blade shaped like a serpent. The weapon glowed the hybrid black and crimson red it was conjured from.

AbyssalHeart: This is The Executioner. A weapon made out of my signature material, Dritix matter. A material that surpasses any other in creation. A single strike from this blade is able to split the crust of planets in half.

He pointed the blade to me smiling grimly. This can't possibly be the end can it?!

AbyssalHeart: Now... DIE!

He charged at me, I closed my eyes and readied myself for death. But it never came... am I already dead? I opened my eyes to see... Noble?! He was standing in front of me clashing blades with Abyssal!

AbyssalHeart: Wh-what the hell?! I saw Hellgonix and my guards overwhelm you two!

Noble: You underestimate the power of determination AbyssalHeart! *turns back to Spectral* Spectral start the tower destruction!

Spectral Persona: What about you?!

Noble: I'll be fine, trust me!

AbyssalHeart: NOOOOO!

I turned around and tossed the rune into the beam.
The tower began to rumble with the walls around us shaking. I felt someone grab me from behind, it was Grimm Ruby. She was holding Grimm Weiss and we were heading towards the exit at the end of the corridor.

Grimm Weiss: Brace?!

Spectral Persona: Now you're catching on!

The three of us braced for impact... wait why was there no cra-


I felt myself land face first into the soft sand. I lift my head out and spit out grains of sand that got into my mouth. What just happened?

Echis: Oh no! I'm so sorry Spectral, Noble said for me to open the door once the tower started to crumble and I thought he told yo-

Grimm Ruby: ECHIS!

I watched as Grimm Ruby tackle hugged Echis to the ground. My god how does she remain so happy through all of this?

Grimm Weiss: *spitting out sand* GOD YOU DOLT RUBY! Can we have one instance where I'm not getting my head bashed in or landing in some kind of gross mater- ECHIS?!

Echis: *stands up and dust herself off* Weiss!

The two ran up and embraced each other in a hug. Is Grimm Weiss... crying? Well I'll be damned didn't think I'd ever see the day.

Noble: *places hand on Spectral's shoulder* Well look at you Spectral... three of the four towers are destroyed. And that my friend has all been you.

Spectral Persona: Oh thank Christ you made it out of there alive Noble! *stands up* It's good to see you in person again friend, we have a lot of catching up to do.

Noble: I can imagine, it would appear a lot has happened since we dispersed. Thankfully we'll have plenty of time for you to tell me and Echis what we've missed on the way to the last tower.

Spectral Persona: Right, well then if we have everyone let's get mov-


I turned around to meet my gaze with- oh right, how could I have forgotten. Grimm Yang!

Grimm Yang: Did you seriously forget about me Spectral? Geez I almost feel hurt by that.

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