Who's your lover/crush, friends, and enemies? Who are you neutral with?

396 3 13

I have sort of done something like this, but in separate chapters, I'm sure. I did this anyway because why not? 

Also, if the lover/crush happens to repeat on some, don't worry about it. Just look at your own as your own, nobody is taking them from you. :)

This was requested by @hopefulltrash

(To @hopefulltrash) LOL, I tried to understand exactly what you meant. If you'd like me to edit it somehow I will see what I can do. 😁


Lover/Crush - Rouge

Friends - Nina the Killer, Nurse Ann, Ticci Toby, Tim

Neutral - Brian, Jane the Killer, Eyeless Jack

Enemies - Lulu, Jeff the Killer, Laughing Jack, The Rake


Lover/Crush - Nurse Ann

Friends - Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, Ticci Toby, Rouge

Neutral - Laughing Jack, Nathan the Nobody, Lulu

Enemies - Brian, Laughing Jill, Zero, Tim


Lover/Crush - Clockwork

Friends - BEN Drowned, Tim, Grinny, Brian

Neutral - Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, Dr. Smiley

Enemies - Homicidal Liu, Nina the Killer, Judge Angels, Laughing Jill


Lover/Crush - Suicide Sadie

Friends - Brian, Tim, Hobo Heart, Laughing Jack

Neutral - Ticci Toby, Nathan the Nobody, Eyeless Jack

Enemies - Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, Homicidal Liu, Alice Madness


Lover/Crush - Laughing Jack

Friends - Jane the Killer, Ticci Toby, Homicidal Liu, Rouge

Neutral - Sully, Jeff the Killer, Smile Dog

Enemies - Sally, Nathan the Nobody, Eyeless Jack, Hobo Heart


Lover/Crush - Ticci Toby

Friends - Nathan the Nobody, Jeff the Killer, Nurse Ann, Brian

Neutral - Laughing Jack, Suicide Sadie, Clockwork

Enemies - Judge Angels, BEN Drowned, Dr. Smiley, The Rake


Lover/Crush - Brian

Friends - Hobo Heart, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Tim

Neutral - Lulu, Nurse Ann, Laughing Jill

Enemies - Sally, Nina the Killer, Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned


Lover/Crush - Eyeless Jack

Friends - Jane the Killer, Dark Link, Homicidal Liu, Jeff the Killer

Neutral - BEN Drowned, Tim, Rouge

Enemies - Laughing Jack, Nurse Ann, Nina the Killer, Zero


Lover/Crush - Nathan the Nobody

Friends - Brian, Nina the Killer, Hobo Heart, Grinny

Neutral - Homicidal Liu, Tim, Jane the Killer

Enemies - Clockwork, Eyeless Jack, Smile Dog, Dr. Smiley


Lover/Crush - Eyeless Jack

Friends - Jane the Killer, BEN Drowned, Lulu, Laughing Jack

Neutral - The Rake, Homicidal Liu, Zero

Enemies - Laughing Jill, Dark Link, Brian, Nathan the Nobody


Lover/Crush - Jane the Killer

Friends - Tim, Rouge, Laughing Jack, Brian

Neutral - Eyeless Jack, The Rake, Nina the Killer

Enemies - Laughing Jill, Lulu, Zero, Homicidal Liu


Lover/Crush - Rouge

Friends - Hobo Heart, Nina the Killer, Jane the Killer, Homicidal Liu

Neutral - Brian, Grinny, The Rake

Enemies - Smile Dog, Jeff the Killer, Suicide Sadie, Nathan the Nobody

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