Several days passed and things were going, well, good. It was a nice change going to school and not having to sit in a cramped room with people who wanted to shove me down a trash disposal shoot and hope I broke all the bones in my body, which, in retrospect, is not that uncommon.
I've managed to learn most of my classmates names, as well as some, but not enough (is there even such a thing? I don't think there is. There probably is. What would be the limit?...) information on their quirks. Even Bakugo has been leaving me alone, well, mostly. He still glares at me like at any moment I'm going to sprout red horns and a pointy tail like the devil he and his band of half-whited lackeys always thought of me as.

He is very good at glaring.

I don't shrink back, because I feel like I'm going to want some dignity when I eventually kick his over ego inflated sorry little ass. And yeah, it's uncharacteristic for me to go out seeking vengeance on all those who have wronged me over the years , but this isn't revenge, it's closure. Because if I don't face him, and beat him in a fight, I will never be able to put Katauki Bakugou behind me.

. . .

I barely refrain from squealing like a five year old on Christmas when mister number one hero himself, frickin ALL MIGHT, came through the door right into my classroom. I mean, I knew he was coming to UA as a teacher, but I figured he would spend most of his time with the second and third years.

As he marched heroically up to the podium in his silver age costume, (Oh My All Might, COULD HE BE ANY COOLER?!?) I couldn't manage to wipe the stupid grin off my face. I wasn't the only one either. There were gasps and awed chatter coming from most of my classmates as we all stared at the glorious hero who stood before us.

All Might told us we would be doing hero training in training ground beta.

"And don't forget," he bellowed in his deep, o-so-heroic voice, "one of the most important things about being a hero is being in style!"

Then, on queue, small slots, each one containing a brief case with our numbers on them slid out of the wall. The whole class started up another round of exited chatter and fidgeted in their seats while waiting to go get their hero costumes.

. . .

I had given quite a bit of thought to my hero costume. Given that I had no idea of knowing what kind of quirks I could acquire at any given time, I had been given a simple, yet practical combination of black cargo pants, a green t-shirt with white designs that would help it be a bit more original , a red utility belt and some basic red sneakers in the same stile I liked to where casually. I also requested that everything, including the shoes, be made out of super breathable material, so that I could use my pressurized air quirk in my feet without any difficulty. The shirt was way to tight and was hard to get on, but fit miraculously well in the end and would definitely allow more aerodynamic movement.

When we were all done getting ready, we marched out to battle ground beta in our sweet new costumes. I noticed several cool support items including a whole suit of armour, that must have been Iida. The two of us were kind of friends now, but I hadn't quite forgiven him for what he said to me at the entrance exam.

Then, I noticed Katsuki Bakugou.

Our costumes weren't all that different, except from the fact that his was a lot flashier, he had a head piece that resembled cartoon explosions and honestly looked kind of stupid. He also has a tank top that stretched tightly over his chest and abs, but I tried (the key word being tried) not to think about that.

The thing that surprises me the most were the huge gauntlets he had on his arms. They were too big and heavy to be simply ornamental so I knew they were support items, and, if I was right, I knew exactly what they could do.

They had been my idea.

. . .

It had been not long after Kacchan got his quirk. I was already super obsessed with heroes and my brain was already trained in quirk analysis, though I was unaware of it. We had been hanging out, and we were talking about our quirks. His, witch had already manifested, and mine, witch was due any day now. I had gotten the idea for a device that could store his explosive sweat and then release it in a huge blast, but we hadn't lingered on the subject. It had crossed my mind a couple of times over the years, but by then we hadn't talked in a while and I couldn't very well just march up to him and remind him, otherwise I would have gotten one of his very cool yet very painful explosions straight to the face. I guess he hadn't forgotten, and I wasn't sure how to feel about that.

. . .

All Might explained the training exercise to us, an indoors combat training exercise, with one team of two as the villains in the scenario and one as the heroes, and then put us into our teams. I was relieved when I was put in a team with Uraraka because we were already friends, and I knew quite a bit about her quirk.

We all gather back in front of All Might while he drew the first two teams that would go up against each other. Team A was picked as the heroes and team as the villains.

Team A was me and Uraraka.

D was Iida and none other than Katsuki Bakugo himself.

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