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We all stared at our bedraggled homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa, sceptically. He didn't really seem like the type of person who would become a teacher. He looked more like a homeless ninja, with his unkempt mop of black hair, dubious yellow caterpillar sleeping bag, and capture scarf. 

"Alright, go put on your gym uniforms and meet me outside" he said unenthusiastically.

"Um...Mr. Aizawa?" Nice girl chimed in, "Won't we miss orientation?" 

"If you really want to make the big leagues, there's no time for pointless ceremonies. We're going to be having an evaluation. Now hurry up and get dressed. I'll be waiting for you outside."


I had forgotten just how amazing Kaccha-Katsuki Bakugo- was. Even something as simple as throwing a softball was impressive when he did it. 

He hadn't spoken to me yet, but every time he looked at me I could see the loathing in his eyes. He probably thought that I didn't deserve to be there. I had to assume he didn't know about my quirks, and thought i had cheated my way in. 

It want fair.

I hadn't done anything wrong. I hadn't been a jerk, a bully or even been mean to anyone, but it seemed like everyone I met automatically pegged me as a threat and an enemy, especially Bakugo. Despite all that, after my quirk manifested, my classmates and former friends, though I didn't have many, turned the other way and started running whenever they saw me. Even the teachers wouldn't touch or speak to me unless I asked them a direct question. I tried everything to get people to like me. I started studying everything in advance, so that I could win the affection of my teachers by getting the answers right to every math problem or test question, by spelling every word correctly, and by saying exactly the right thing in each paper and essay I ever wrote. It didn't work, to say the least. My teachers all took my academic perfection as an opportunity to never have to interact with me at all. 

The kids were worse. I wasn't spoken to by another person my age for almost 3 years before some of the more courageous kids started being brave enough to throw insults at me from time to time. I always had a witty comeback ready...but i never used them. I didn't want to seem hostile, so I pretended that they're tormenting didn't bother me, which , in hindsight, only worsened the situation. They're favourite insult was to call me Deku. It had started when I hadn't gotten my quirk in pre-school. It was meant to point out the fact that i was useless without a quirk. After i had manifested my quirk, they kept using it, but this time it was meant to convey that my quirk would be useless to anyone who wasn't a monster, and that I was a freak who would never be accepted or succeed. At least, that's how I saw it. The idiots who bullied me probably just didn't have enough power in they're combined two brain cells to think of any another insults other than the usual "freak" or "weirdo".

 That want the end of it. 

The mistreatments only worsened throughout middle school. There wasn't really a single bully or a group of offenders, but a leg tripping me in the hall, or anonymous hurtful notes left in my locker, or my homework mysteriously going missing. Since there was no one to blame, this went on for almost three years nonstop until one day...

"The world would be better off if you just took a swan dive of the roof of the building"

And that was that.

Now, here I am with a brand new start. A chance to prove I'm not a monster and, that I can help people in more ways than anyone could know,

And I don't know if i have the courage to take that chance, because, as usual, everything could go wrong.

(Hey Guise! Quick shoutouts to Aqua_Drop and RAYZEL_LUOCHAN for commenting. I get so exited when I get comments :):)

(Also, new cover coming soon!)

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