As I rushed up the stairs to the school roof, tears stinging my eyes, all his words came rushing back from the back of my mind where I had banished them.

"The world would be  better off if you just took a swan dive of the roof of the building."


"Deku. That's what you must call a freak, and a miserable excuse for a human being!"

I burst through the door, and the sunlight of the afternoon streamed down on me. It wasn't the right type of day for this, but I couldn't stand another second. 

The worst thing was, I wasn't my fault.

 I had manifested a quirk that allowed me to take the quirks of others, and transfer them to others, or keep them for myself. It may sound like a cool power to have, and yeah, it's a very powerful and useful quirk, but everyone just sees it as strange and dangerous.

I drops my bag, and everything spilled out onto the ground. I took a moment to pick up my notebook of information on heros and flip through the neatly organized pages that were practically my only comfort one last time. I sighed, and tossed the book back to the ground. I walked up to the edge of the building and stepped up onto it. 

The view from the top was stunning.

I turned to take in the sky, perfect pale blue with the fluffiest white clouds. It was definitely not the sort of day for this. Suddenly, the roof's door opened with a bang, and I saw ash blonde hair and ruby red eyes. He froze when he saw me on the ledge. I suddenly realized that my cheeks were wet.

I hadn't remembered crying.

This was the last time anyone was going to see me, the last memory of me in this world, and I didn't want to go out like this, weak, scared, and pathetic like always, so I turned fully towards him and mustered the most courageous-daring and -defiant look I could. Then I had a sudden, inexplicable surgery of ...something a little like humour, and my lips twisted into a smirk. I raised an eyebrow, then took a step back, and fell.

Sorry if it's too short. There will be more next time, promise;)

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