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Pjs POV-

If I've known it was from . . . . You know who by now, I would have never touched it. I know how important things like that can be.

And the worst part is I was going to burn it. I was going to burn a piece of remember for palette.

And that would have been difficult to go through.

At least I now know he always cared, just hid in deep down. He must have been really good at it too, to hide it for so long.

I sigh and continue my walk out of school grounds. School had just ended and I want to make a stop before I had to head home.

I walk through the park picking up a few flowers. I reached the end of the park and look both ways before I crossed the street.

I reach the other side and open the gate closing it behind me. I walk up the dirt path and walk over to an old willow tree.

I reach two graves. One read Gradient errorink, XXXX - 2016, beloved son and brother.

The other read blueprint inkberry, XXXX - 2015, beloved son and brother.

"Sorry I haven't visited in awhile" I whisper giving both of them some flowers.

I noticed blueprint Already had fresh flowers. And it look like who ever set them there actually bought them.

"Guess you've been getting flowers" I smile sitting in the grass in front of the graves.

"I made a mistake today" I frown closing my eyes. "I don't know if you can even hear me, but I need to talk to someone."

"You remember a paintbrush you gave palette, print" I say. "I was going to get rid of his last piece of memory of you for him, and after 8 years I finally realized palette hids his feelings about you two."

"And I was being ruthless to him for no reason, and now I feel like shit for not realizing it sooner."

"I was and still am supposed to help and protect him because I'm his older brother, and all I did was hurt him more."

I feel tears roll down my face as I stare at the sky.

"How did you do it grad, always so nice even in the worst situations. The hell, who did you even get it from."

I pause watching the branches swaying in the light wind.

"I sometimes think, would things be the same if you two didn't disappear."

"Your rooms wouldn't be boarded up, error would still be rude and stubborn tords us, blue would probably never have wasted 6 years of looking for you print, Palette would be real happy, I would have an actual person to talk to" I chuckled at the last one.

"I need a way to get palette to sleep, I've noticed he hasn't been sleeping much."

"Only if one of you could give me advice."

"If you could I probably wouldn't even be in this situation."

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