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I woke up as my alarm went off. I hit the cancel button and get up. I realized that I have slept in my clothes so I just grab my phone and walk down stairs.

I look into the livingroom to see ink, error and dream talked to each other. I then walk into the kitchen to see palette eating cereal and talking with blue.

"Pj want some cereal" blue asked grabbing a bowl for me.

"No thank you I'm not hungry" I answered taking a seat at the island.

"Ok, I have to go" blue frown walking out of the kitchen.

I watch as palette got up and put his bowl in the sink and went upstairs to grab his bag.

I sigh feeling bad for Bullying palette. I still have to ask him why he hasn't been sleeping well. Even though I didn't want to I got up and walked to the front door.

To be honest I didn't feel like doing anything today, or going to hell aka school.

Palette walked downs and stood next to me said Goodbye to his parents as I open the door.

Walked downstairs the side way we stop at a four way road and waited for cars to go by.

"Hey palette were not going to school today" I say dragging him the opposite way.

"What why, where are we going" palette said basically yelling.

"I don't feel like going and I need to talk to you somewhere private" I answer dragging him through the park.

Palette sighed "This Grounded thing dad came up with will now turn into 1 month mabye even more."

"Oh, shut up b!tch I don't care what ink says or thinks" I muddred opening the gate to the cemetery.

Once Palettes realized where we were he shut up and kinda staying quiet. "I dont want to be here" he mumbled pulling his arm out of my grasp.

"Shut up and come" I grumble walking up the path.

He still followed me even though he claimed he didn't wanting to be here.

Once we reached the two grave stones I sat down. "When's the last time you've visited here" I ask.

"Few months ago, ink found out I was visiting and he stopped talking to me for two weeks" palette mumbled the last bit.

"Inks a scumbag" I say grinning.

He sat down picking one of the dandelions which were growing around the graves.

We sat in silence for a few minutes before palette spoke up.

"I don't think thier actually dead" he mumbled.

"What" I say boredly.

"Well thier presumed dead but no one found dust or anything, so they could be still alive" palette explained.

"True" I mumbled. "Plus why did we say there dead, reaper didn't say they were dead."

"Goth is a reaper, do you think he has one of those small books" palette said the last bit to himself.

"Probably" I mumbled. "Let's go to the cafe, I'm not going to school today."

"Like I said before this grounded thing is going to turn into one month" palette said standing up.

He offered me a hand. I take it looking away from him.

"And I don't think that I care about being grounded" I grinned walking down the path.


We sat at a table outside the cafe. I was writing in a notebook and palette was on his laptop.

As I put my pen down Palettes phone started ringing. He looks at the screen and frown. "Its dad should I pick it up" he asked.

I look over to see inks contact number. "Ignore" I say blankly reaching into my pocket because mine started ringing to.

I look at the screen to see crescent's number. I pick it up.

"Hey crescent need something" I say picked up the phone.

"Mm where you at" he asked.

"Does it matter, why" I said with a slight grin.

"You had lunch detention today and they gave it to me because they said I'm covering for your ass" he grumbled.

"You'd skip it anyway chill" I say.

"Oh ink came by too, he is not happy that you skipped. Plus how did you manage to get palette  to skip" crescent asked.

"I honestly don't know, I think hes starting to not give a shit" I grin.

"I got to go that math test is today and I cant skip again, father would literally kill me" crescent said hanging up.

"Prick" I mumbled putting my phone on the table.

-after school ended-

"Ok let's go find goth" I say standing up and put the notebook in my bag.

"I can just tell him to meet us in the park" palette said taking his phone out of his pocket.

I roll my eyes and start walking to the park. The cafe was very close so it didn't take long.

Goth arrived a little after  hugging palette. I roll my eye lights. "Goth we have a question for you" I say.

"Ok what is it" goth asked.

"You know that small leather book your father has, do you have one from 8 years ago" I asked.

"Why" he asked nervously.

"We just wanted to know" palette answered.

"I dont keep those, Ethier does my dad we usually keep them away" goth answered. "Plus why do you want one from 8 years ago."

"No reason" I answered not wanting to tell him.

"So where do you keep them" palette asked.

"Er, ask raven he usually takes care of them when dad wants them gone" goth mumbled.

"Ok where can we find raven" I ask.

"Your not getting an answer, until you tell me what you two need it for" goth said crossing his arms.

"Please gothy" palette begged.

"No, I want an answer first" goth replied.

"Why don't you just call him on your phone pj" palette asked.

"That ass never picks up his phone" I muttered.

"Sorry your just to boring to stand" raven said walking up next to goth.

"Raven why are you here" goth asked.

"Its a public park goth, do I need permission to be here" he grinned.

Goth rolled his eye light. "I just remembered how annoying you are" goth mumbled.

"Anyway about that book, I'm not giving it to you" raven glared.

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