Chapter 14

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Third POV

It has been 5 years since the time where the prince had to let go his lover in a trade for his mother's diamond,

He regretted it...
He was starting to get impatient
He was starting to wonder, what took y/n so long just to visit him..

As each day passed he became grumpy and that grumpiness resorted to killing his own gaurds who failed to find y/n,
The ocealien feared him,
The mermaids were attracted to him, as he grew
He became a candy eye for the mermaids,
His face feature became more manlier,
But that didn't bother him, all his focus was on searching y/n

He sits on the throne wondering how his beloved has grown in 5 years

He felt empty without her,
Her curiousness and her voice
Made him feel less lonely

But unfortunately he had to let go of his flower that he found, it never in the first place belong to him,
She isn't a mermaid neither is he a human,
And that was the problem
But he knew he could solve it if he accepted the offer from the sea warlock

"Prince if you trade me for your voice, I'll grant you a pair of legs and you'll be able to see your beloved again" the sea warlock said

Xero couldn't make the decision yet, he was afraid y/n would have come back and visited him
But yet at the same time he wanted to go search for her himself as his gaurds has failed him

That offer kept him awake all night

He wondered out of every gold he owned, why his voice?

It sounded really fishy for him

But what he didn't know was that behind that offer,
The sea warlock named Zelou was also in love with his flower..

You might be wondering how and why?

This where it all beginned 3 years ago...
Where Zelou met y/n.....

{To be continued}

{Umi no mochimono} Ocean's PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now