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"It matters not how we complete our task. Only that it is done."
      ~ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad;  Assassins Creed

     Instead of going out with her random stud of the night, Tish went back to her own place and decided to call Kat. She hadn't spoken to Kat in over a year. Kat had been so busy, the duo had only been able to email back and forth when it was convenient for them. Like Tish had said, Kat was an aspiring writer, so she worked hours on her stories and slept at weird hours of the day. Kat wasn't a very punctual person, so she never had a set time for when she was awake and working, or asleep and dreaming of more ideas.

       Anyhow, Tish had hoped that Kat wasn't working or sleeping, since she really didn't have time to call her later on. She needed to speak with Kat now, especially when the idea was fresh on her mind. Priestly would be ecstatic to meet a woman so much like himself. So, picking up her house phone and dialing the number she knew by heart, she listened to the phone ringing and crossed her fingers, biting her lip in anticipation.

"Hello?" Kat called, once she had answered the phone.

"Hey, Kat, it's Tish. What are you doing?" Tish asked, acting as if she and Kat had talked on the phone all the time.

"Finishing the final draft of my story. What about you?" Kat asked, wishing the small talk was already over.

       Kat was not the type of girl to listen to small talk. How was your day? How are you? How's the weather? Those were questions to pretty much avoid when it came to Kat. Yes, she'd answer them, but the person asking wouldn't always get the type of answer they were wanting or expecting.

"Just got off work." Tish answered, before an awkward silence fell over the two women.

"Okay, so...? Why'd you call?" Kat asked, causing Tish to giggle nervously.

"What? I can't just call my sister because I miss her?" Tish joked, as Kat scoffed.

"Tish, we haven't talked in a year, other than email. If you wanted to call, you would've." Kat said, causing Tish to frown.

"I'm sorry, Kat. I've been wanting to call, but I didn't want to bother you. I mean, your work means so much to you, and I don't want to take you away from it." Tish stated, making Kat sigh.

"I'd always make time for you, Tish," Kat commented, and Tish smiled,"but seriously, why'd you call? I can hear the underlying motive in your voice." She finished, and Tish's eyes widened.

"Really?" She squeaked, before letting out a groan,"Fine, you caught me! I was hoping you'd come down to see me. I haven't seen you in forever. You can stay at my place. You can bring your work, ya know, work on it whenever you have free time. Hell, you can publish it while you're here if you wanted." Tish said, and Kat bit her lip.

       Kat wasn't sure if she even wanted to go to Santa Cruz. She had her whole life put together in San Francisco, but like she had told Tish, she was willing to make time for her sister. So, with a deep sigh, she finally decided she'd go to her sister.

"Fine, I'll go to Santa Cruz." Kat answered, and Tish squealed in delight.

"Great! When you get here, I want to introduce you to my friends at work!" Tish exclaimed, and Kat giggled.

"Alright, Tish. I'll meet your little friends, but if they're creeps, I'm not going to hang out with them." Kat said, causing Tish to frown.

"Wait, what do you think--oh! No, not those friends," Tish commented, before bitting her lip,"They're my coworkers. You'll really love them. They're nice and easy to talk to." She explained, and Kat smiled.

"Than I'll be happy to meet them," Kat replied, before a yawn escaped her lips,"Anyhow, Tish, I'm going to get some sleep after I pack, then I'll head out bright and early tomorrow morning." She said, and Tish grinned.

"Yay! I can't wait to see you! Love you, Kat!" She exclaimed, causing the other woman to laugh.

"Love you, too, Tish." Kat replied, before hanging up her phone.

         Tish was totally excited and ecstatic to know that her sister had agreed to coming to see her. Now, all she had to do was get Kat to the grill and introduce her to her friends, most specifically, Priestly.

        Kat, on the other hand, was nervous to be meeting Tish's friends. Tish had always made more friends than Kat. See, Kat wasn't jealous of Tish, but she did have a problem with some of Tish's friends. A lot of them were men, and a lot of them would hit on Kat when Tish was done with them. Kat honestly hated when Tish brought men around when they were younger.

       Tish was only nine months older than Kat, so they didn't really differ in age. The two girls were the best of friends. Hell, they still are, but they have their own lives to live now. Tish was more worried about boys, while Kat was more worried about books. Kat didn't really read normal books either. She read about aliens, government conspiracies, serial killers, and things of that nature.

      Grabbing her favorite shirts, which were sometimes frowned upon in society, she packed everything she'd need for a month, before placing her bags down by her door. She needed as much sleep as she could get. She knew Tish would be running her around all day. Kat could only hope for a break while Tish was working, but she was almost positive that Tish would make her stay at work with her all day. No going back now--Kat thought, before sliding into her black, satin sheets. She hoped the sleep would calm her nerves; for tomorrow, she had quite the journey ahead of her...


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