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"If you like something, rock it. If you want to wear a cape everyday, go for it."
                      ~ Post Malone


     Tish had just gotten back from hooking up with another guy, a guy whom she'd forget his name after an hour or so of him dropping her off at work. Did she care? No, she could care less about any guy she'd sleep with. She was with men to try and satisfy her cravings; it didn't bother her a bit that she could easily manipulate men. If it was up to her, she'd have every man at her feet.

"Don't worry everyone, Priestly is here." Priestly announced, as he danced by the door.

     Tish rolled her eyes, looking away from the man for a moment. He reminded her of Kat, but not in a bad way. He was just very outspoken and different, same as Kat had always been. Tish watched as Priestly walked by her and Jen, before he stopped, backtracked, and turned towards Piper.

"Who are you?" He asked, pointing both fingers in her direction.

"Piper." She answered, feeling a bit unselfconscious.

"Piper. What are you doing here, Piper?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed together.

"I work here." She said, and his eyes widen.

"Why wasn't I notified? I wasn't notified!" Priestly exclaimed, as he looked over towards Trucker.

"Hey, Priestly, we hired someone." The old man commented, causing Priestly to give him a wide eyed look.

"Thank you! I swear we need a bulletin board or a staff email or something!" He replied, turning towards the stove.

"You know, Priestly, Piper thinks Elvis is dead." Jen says, looking towards the red haired man.

      Priestly's eyes roll, throwing his hands us slightly in exasperation, looking towards Trucker.

"Really? Now you're hiring people who failed the interview?" He questioned, causing Trucker and Tish to smirk.

"Kat still believes, too, don't worry." Tish commented, as she patted Piper's arm lightly.

"Who the hell is Kat?" Priestly retorted, turning away from the stove to look over at the brown haired woman.

"Oh, Priestly, you're in for a real treat." Tish replied, winking slightly at the uniquely dressed male.

        Tish couldn't wait to call Kat. She wanted to call her immediately, but she knew she had to wait until after work. At least, that's what she believed. She didn't want to upset Trucker, though she knew Trucker wouldn't mind. He felt as if his staff was pretty much his family, so he didn't care if they used the work phone for personal reasons.

"Who is Kat?" Priestly asked once more, looking straight at Tish.

"None of your business." She replied, a sly smirk on her face.

     Priestly wanted to know who Kat was. He knew she had to at least be one of Tish's friends, but he had never really heard of her before. Well, he assumed Kat was a girl, seeing as the name fit a woman, but he could easily be wrong, seeing as there was a male comedian named Katt. He kind of hoped Kat was a girl, seeing as he hadn't had a girl in a while. Yes, he talked with Jen and Tish, and now Piper, but a new girl meant new possibilities.

"You can call Kat if you want. Work isn't too bad right now." Trucker commented, causing Tish to shake her head.

"No, I think I'm just going to wait to call her until tonight." Tish replied, causing Priestly to silently groan.

       So, Kat is a girl--he thought to himself, biting his lip in frustration. He didn't want Tish to wait until tonight to call Kat. He wanted to know who she was right now. He doubted anyone who was friends with Tish would have any real interest in him, but he could at least wish. Wishful thinking was key when it came to Priestly. He almost wished the woman was as hot as Tish, but then he realized a woman like that would definitely not go for him, just like Tish hadn't. All his subtle hints were going nowhere when it came to her, so he hoped maybe the other girl would be different.

"Oh, just call her, Tish. Priestly looks like he's going to fall out in frustration." Lucille, one of the regular customers, commented, causing Tish to look over towards Priestly.

      Upon seeing his face, she could tell that he was frustrated that she hadn't called Kat as soon as she was given the chance. He wanted her to call Kat so bad, which made Tish want to wait even more. She knew it would be good for the both of them, and she needed to talk to Kat in private, without having a grown man-child breathing down her neck.

"No, I think she's working. She's an aspiring writer." Tish said, as a look of shock passed over Lucille's face.

"Wow, she has to be smart. Perfect girl for Priestly." She commented, and Tish nodded in agreement.

"I'm standing right here, and I do believe that I am quite smart. I happen to know quite a bit about things going on in this world that not everyone knows." Priestly retorted, causing Tish and Lucille to laugh.

"Maybe this lady will straighten you out, Priestly. Then you might not be so suspicious of the government." Mr. Julius, another regular, added, causing Priestly to scoff and roll his eyes.

"The government doesn't follow the rules, man. We all should see it." Priestly said, as Tish shook her head.

"Angel, this girl has a lot of magic to work with this one." Trucker commented, and Priestly scoffed.

"Like you do with Zo, Trucker?" Priestly retorted, as Tish, Jen, and Piper laughed.

"Zo and I are working on this, alright? You, on the other hand, have been completely single and alone for years." Trucker said, as Priestly pursed his lips.

        With every word Priestly spoke, Tish couldn't help but think of Kat. He and Kat were so much alike. She was excited for them to meet. She just hoped they weren't too much alike, otherwise she'd have some work to do. Opposites attract, which is why she hoped their jobs would be their differences...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. The whole book, unless specified otherwise, will be in third person. If there's any questions or anything, feel free to comment.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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