119: Night Security Guard

Depuis le début

Now, there were only 60 contestants who had not participated in the matches. Out of all the matches in the past four days, there were only two survivors. Apart from the physical injuries they sustained, they were both totally traumatized. The contestant who was in the same match as Nathalia had already gone crazy after witnessing the 12 minutes Nathalia had suffered at the hands of those duoluozhongs. Every now and then, incoherent singing could be heard from her capsule. The other contestant was in a slightly better state. When the organizers gave her a choice to "continue participating or stop," she withdrew into her capsule without any hesitation.

On the night after the fourth day of the tournament, all the women in the capsules, except Lin Sanjiu, became very desperate. It was one thing to participate and fight with the duoluozhongs because they still had a winning chance, but they realized that killing themselves might be a better fate than being tortured and humiliated to death like Nathalia and the others. Yet, once they had the intention to do so, they were already unable to implement their plan.

The organizers were already very familiar with such antics after holding so many rounds of tournaments. As the female contestants started to realize their circumstances, rebel, or try to kill themselves, the measures used against them also became more sophisticated. The nozzles installed in the capsules, used for spraying the pheromones, were sprayed with a different gas.

It was very expensive to manufacture this particular gas, so the organizers would only use it at this point in the tournament. The women suddenly felt very weak. Although they couldn't move their limbs and couldn't even move their eyes, their five senses were still sharp, and their brains were still working fine. Well, except for the portion that controlled their movements.

When it was time for a contestant to enter the arena, she would be doused with a sour liquid. Once she could move her body, the capsule would open, and a machine would untie her. By then, anyone in that position would know that it was their match.

The "sponsorships" and bets for the fifth day were just as horrendous. During this time, many normal women in the Garden of Eden would switch off their television and wait in fear for their husbands to return. From the fifth day onward, watching the tournament would evoke the greatest brutality, insanity, and lust from their men. This would continue until the end of the tournament, and many normal women were also tortured to death during this period.

Families with daughters were usually very alert during this period. Even if they had sold their daughters, they were still their children. So, they were entitled to some compensation if their daughters died. For that reason, some families refuse to raise sons; they specifically raise daughters so that they can sell them and hope to earn more during the Lunar New Year Tournament.

Those parents were certainly not disappointed by the tournament this year. At the end of the fifth day, there was still a lingering aura of tension and brutality in the empty arena. With the lighting effects and applause, the arena seemed dead. A few duoluozhongs that refused to sleep would occasionally let out some grumbling sounds as they walked around the bloodied floor. The electric net, which segregated the battle arena from the audience seats, would make a snapping sound and emit a flash of light every so often. These sounds made the atmosphere of dead silence in the capsule containment area even weirder and more desolate.

Fifty women lay at the bottom of their capsules. Most of them had their eyes wide open. Lin Sanjiu wasn't sprayed with that gas, but her condition was poorer than that of the others. She slipped in and out of her coma. She had a high fever, and though it was not as bad as the previous time, she could not stay conscious, and her body ached all over. Despite that, she was unable to do much. She wanted to revert her [Er Dao's Corpse] card back to its original form to obtain more of his blood, but somehow, she failed even after trying a few times. She suspected that her high fever affected her ability, but she did manage to pull out her mouthpart weapon without any issue.

Within the rare few minutes in which she was conscious, she inferred that the space around her might be too tight. There just wasn't enough space for Er Dao's large body to corporealize, so naturally, she couldn't summon the card. She heard the sound of heavy breathing, walking towards the containment area. This was accompanied by the light from multiple flashlights.

Initially, she could hear the hesitation from the sound of the footsteps, but as the men started to talk, they moved much quicker toward the capsule. They took less than a minute to reach the capsule containment area.

"Are you sure this is alright?" a man spoke with a rough voice and let out a dry cough as though it would calm his nerves. "I have lots of experience fucking women, but are these even considered women..."

"Hehe. There is something you don't know." The flashlights came closer, and when a beam of light swept across the floor, it revealed a scrawny man. Even though he was short and appeared skinny, he had an attention-grabbing, large, spare-tire belly.

"I have been a night security guard for this tournament for a few years now. This is not even my first time doing this." The scrawny man patted the gun attached to his waist. "They are not different from ordinary women. I would say that it feels even better! Maybe they run a lot out there, so their thighs are so firm..."

As he said this, he gulped a mouthful of saliva noisily.

The man with the rough voice stopped for a moment. He seemed convinced, but he had a new question, "But the radiation..."

"Don't worry. I brought some gummies and anti-radiation after gel! If it was dangerous, would I join you?" The skinny security guard scoffed. He pointed to the others and said, "They all paid good money before I brought them here. If you weren't my relative, I wouldn't tell you this good deal..."

One of the men who had paid him laughed, "That's right. This is so much cheaper than getting a taxidermied model or souvenirs after the tournament. It's great value! Anyway, they'll be dead tomorrow. Why not let us guys enjoy them?

A wave of dizziness washed over Lin Sanjiu, so she immediately bit her own lips. The pain kept her conscious as she swallowed the salty taste in her mouth. Now, the men's voices were nearby.

There were six men in total, and some of them were wearing those anti-radiation robes, while others were not. After all, they wanted excitement when they decided to sneak into the arena to have some fun with these women. What could be more exciting than taking risks while fucking women? Those that didn't wear their robes were obviously experienced men. They even went their own ways, pointing their flashlights into the capsules.

One of the men who was wearing a robe was still very worried, "Are you sure they can't fight back?

The scrawny security guard sounded annoyed when he replied again, "Of course! I have done this for years. Did I ever get into any trouble? Don't worry!"

A man, some distance away, pulled out a young girl from a capsule. He panted heavily while he laughed, "Have you heard of event flags? Haha! If this was a television drama, your words would have triggered a death flag..."

The scrawny security guard responded with a half-hearted laugh and ignored his relative. He held the flashlight in his mouth as he unbuckled his belt. A man without robes walked around a few rounds as if he was unsatisfied with what he saw.

"I did a busty woman and an eight-year-old last year. I am so sick of those pure, pitiful types..." he mumbled, "They always choose the same few types; it just gets a little boring."

The skinny security guard paused, turning his head to laugh. He walked over to Lin Sanjiu's capsule and knocked on it. "I know one which you might like... Do you see this? She is the contestant who joined willingly. She is just like an ice queen... Why don't you try her?"

The man without robes narrowed his eyes and smiled leeringly as he opened the door. Lin Sanjiu's feeble body immediately fell out as the door opened.

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