The kiss scene

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A/N this one shot is slightly mature just a little
Breannas POV
My name is breanna yde I play tomika on school of rock and I just turned fifteen also I HATE LANCE LIM he's awful we pretend to get along since the producer said it was good for publicity and people would ship us but it's bullshit, he treats me like a baby because I'm younger my mom was driving me to set we're shootings season four
M: so you get to see jade and Rico
B: (smiles)
M: Aidan and tony
B: (smiles more)
M: and lance
My smile immediately fell
M: why don't you like him
B: he's a fucking player he's dated Cree,Hayley, Brec, Lizzie, Maddison, and Addison i feel bad for his current girlfriend gennaya I think
M: come on
B: I hate him
I got a notification I read it and groaned
M: what
B: Zamika is happening this season
M: oh honey I'm sorry
B: we barely got out of the kiss scene on season two their never gonna let us now
M: sorry
I sighed
We were all talking gennaya came in and kissed lance I rolled my eyes
G: Umm jealous much?
B: who me
G: no Casper of course you
B: who would I be jealous of
G: me and lance
B: ok why on earth would I be jealous of you two
G: stay in your lane shorty I'm much older and prettier than you
B: but I'm more famous and popular than you plus everyone hates you have you checked your insta
G: that's because they think you two are better together but we'll fight for our love
B: what love? he's a fuckboy and a player he's only there for your virginity the second he gets it your gone
L: hey shut up bitch
I flipped him off
L: what do you know your like five you haven't even had your first kiss yet
B: shut it
L: why cause I'm telling the truth
G: admit it your jealous
B: I am not I hate him
G: yeah sure
I rolled my eyes and slapped her she got a red cheek she tried to hit me I flipped her to the ground
B: I may be younger but I'm stronger
G: I was just going easy on you
B: yeah sure
J: damn touché
I turned to the dick also known as lance
B: tell your slut to stay away from me
L: she is not a slut
B: fine hoe anyway if she's dating you she must be psychotic so how about...psycho bitch
L: shut up
B: hey lance why don't you suck my imaginary dick
L: why don't you suck my real one
B: why don't you burn in hell
L: why don't you go fuck your self
B: why don't you kiss my-
R: OK how about we go to our trailers
L&B: (mumbles curse words)
We simultaneously flipped each other off and went to our trailers after a few Minutes we all met back at set
?: ok well as you know this season is Zamika
L&B: shit
?; and there's gonna be a kiss scene
B: how about..a small peck on the cheek and make sure there's a trash can near I need to be able to puke right after
?: no it's a five second long kiss and the rest of the scene is a minute long
L&B: goddammit
We shot a couple scenes and we went home
It was the kiss episode bleh anyway I have thrown up twice cause I hate it same with him he was outside my trailer I banned him from mine I took off the cross and let him in that's right I put a cross on the door we were rehearsing we slowly leaned in cringing
L: oh god can't do it
B: (gags)
We shuddered
B: ok oh god (gags) 3
I inched closer
L: (groans) 2
He went closer our lips centimeters apart
B: (complaining) do we have to
L: it says we have to
B: umm what comes after two?
L; your stalling
B: and it's working
L: yeah keep it up
B: (sighs) oh god
I cupped his cheeks
B: this is the only time we're rehearsing this
L: don't have to tell me twice
I took my hands off and leaned in a little our lips barely touching I couldn't do it, this is disgusting, I leaned in a little bit so we were sorta kissing and then a little more so we were actually kissing the kiss was soft and was for about two seconds I felt something I don't know how to explain it since it was my first kiss we stopped looking at each other he kissed me again but with more feeling we layed down wait he's two years older than me and a player I hate him I'm not doing this I started pulling away
Lances POV
Oh god this is fucking disgusting she kissed me light as a feather she was a better kisser than gennaya or any other girlfriend I've had it may be her first kiss but wow she stopped we were looking at each other our faces millimeters apart I couldn't take it I kissed her again we layed down but she started pulling away after a few seconds so I deepened the kiss and pulled her closer to me, i started sucking her neck while moving my fingers up and down her body she moaned silently
L: (against neck) come on louder
B: l-lance were at work
L: (against neck) no one has to know
B: n-no not here
L: so somewhere else
B: no not anywhere not anytime not ever
L: oh come on
B: no
I kissed her passionately and slipped off her jacket and then her shorts next was her shirt she had just a bra and underwear on and was under me I rubbed her thigh as we made out my hand made its way to her butt I squeezed her ass she gasped against my mouth allowing me to slip in my tongue we made out like that for a few seconds her head off the pillow holding my neck keeping me close it was like kissing heaven she moved her body closer to me
L: are you teasing me
She kissed me roughly
B: maybe
I started taking off her underwear when the door rattled we stopped she jumped a little thank god she locked it
J: brea you in there
B: (out of breath) yeah
J: I need to come in and why are you out of breath
B: sorry just fought with lance
L: (whispers) giving me a boner
B: (blushes) jade can you leave I need to finish fighting with him
L: (smirks)
J: don't kill each other
B: no promises
We heard her leave she kissed me I took off my pants and underwear and slipped off her underwear I pushed into her she moaned quietly I wanted a better reaction and pushed in harder she held one back
L: come on louder
B: were at work someone can hear
L: than we'll go somewhere else
B: this is a one time thing lance
L: than I need to make the most of today
We kissed again I pushed in harder
B: your making not moaning impossible
L: just one I need to hear it than I can hear the trumpets go off
B: (blushes) shut up
My eyes trailed it her body she blushed more she still only had a bra on
L: is it just me or is there an angel singing
She blushed more I started kissing her chest she bit her lip sexually
B: come on let's go
L: no
She went near my ear
B: stop now and my body will be your toy later
L: (smirks)
She kissed me we got our clothes on and fixed our hair
We were at my house my parents were on a business trip they left yesterday I rammed into her she moaned
L: like I said before there are trumpets
B: let's go
I pinned her arms down and kissed her roughly
She moaned loudly
B: what are you doing to me
L: don't ask questions just enjoy it
B: but lance-
L: this is happening and might as well let it go on so I can give you the pain and pleasure you deserve
B: I never thought this would happen
L; and yet it is
B: lance we have to stop
L: I'm doing things to you that we both know you like so don't fight it
B: but-
I pushed in harder she moaned again
L: you like it
B: (in a daze) uh huh
L: am I making you feel good
B: (in a daze) uh huh
I started sucking her neck
We were cuddling under the blankets naked she was laying her head on my chest my arm was snaked around her she was playing with my fingers she started sucking my neck
L: you better stop before I start round two
B: (against neck) no I'm to sore
She kissed my neck a few more times and stopped I got a call I put it on speaker
L: who's this
G: babe it's me
L&B: 🙄
G: so I was thinking-
L: gennaya I think we should break up
L: sorry but we're over
G: I can't believe you
She hung up I shrugged brea kissed my cheek
L: round two?
B: one thing I'm gonna do
L: what is it
B: remember what you said on the first day back to set
L: no why
She smirked and got under the covers she ended up sucking my dick I remembered and moaned
We went back to set I was holding her waist beside her while we all talked
J: ok I'm calling it we have to talk about the elephant in the room
B: what elephant
They all simotaniously pointed to my hand on her waist
L: were dating now
A: what...the...fuck
B: don't question it
R: I'm just happy your not fighting anymore
She leaned her head on my shoulder and we smiled when-
B: oh god
G: baby I'll-what is this
L: I broke up with you remember
G: no you didn't
B: were dating now
G: well me and him are still dating he's cheating on you
B: I was there when he made the phone call to break up with you
She freezes
B: and you freezing means your nervous meaning the call happened
A: meaning he broke up with you
R: so..
R&B&J&A&L: bye bitch
She stormed away we laughed and I kissed her cheek

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