Chapter 1

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Until a disturbing detail made her frown.

"Based on my view of the castle from here" she began thinking aloud "I should have just come out of the Forbidden Forest; leaving out how I got there, this means that Hagrid's hut should be here on my right, so why is there no trace of it? "

"Is it possible that I'm wrong and I'm on the other side of the forest?" she wondered more and more worried.

"No it's not possible, the angle is the right one and plus I know Hogwarts like the back of my hand so this is the place, it has to be" she continued, thinking aloud.

"Another possible explanation is that they moved it"

"No, that's not even possible, I think I saw it here when we went to the Ministry of Magic. But then how can all this be explained? "

And while her mind continued to strive, in vain, in an attempt to find a logical solution to that strange and unthinkable detail, she continued to walk, without even realizing it, towards the Black Lake.

Overthinking, she only noticed it when she had already reached the shore of that immense dark well of water, finding herself staring at it with glassy eyes, admiring all the small ripples of the water that a light cold breeze had caused. With a frown and a confusion in her eyes and heart, she leaned on a large boulder that was nearby, rubbing her feet on the ground, moving thousands of tiny pebbles that stood between her and where she had decided to sit, with the intent to resolve all her doubts as soon as possible, since she knew, from experience, that all the smallest details that could not be considered normal, could potentially prove to be of vital importance and not at all ignorable and therefore it would not have been wise to continue with her mission without first stopping to reflect on all possibilities; only after she was able to give herself an explanation and decide if those strange details could have prevented her path or not, could she go to work to change the events that would happen in a few hours.

After several and interminable minutes in which she was using her brain at full capacity, she realized that with what little information she had acquired, she wouldn't be able to understand much; that inevitably led her to think that she had to go and look for other information to unravel the mystery.

"But I certainly can't rush straight into Hogwarts, because if I really managed to go back in time, which I strongly believe, I might risk meeting myself along the way, either Harry or Ron, that's not something I can allow to happen" she thought "Plus the weirdness of the disappearance of Hagrid's hut and the fact that I am here instead of at the Ministry of Magic-  I haven't been able to give a plausible explanation yet, so it would be too risky to venture now around the castle "

"I have to think of an action plan first" she told herself  "I have to create a cover or I could try to remember if there is some spell, within my reach, that allows me not to be seen by anyone, since this is the main problem; then for the rest maybe I should concentrate more on preventing my friends and I from falling into that trap at the Ministry, rather than worrying about how I ended up here, I can also think about that at a later time; meanwhile, I could leave a note for Harry somewhe-"

"Hey you, what do you think you're doing?" a commanding voice coming from behind her said.

But she didn't even notice, taken as she was by her inner debate that was almost wearing her down, completely engaging her mind, leaving no room for anything that was not connected to the resolution of her problems.

Until an unknown hand rested on her shoulder, making her wince; with a jolt she jumped to her feet, automatically pulling the wand from her right sleeve and pointing it at the stranger's throat, her heart speeding faster and faster, leaving her slightly without oxygen in her lungs.

Is this real? -TOMIONEWhere stories live. Discover now