"We could but.... we think it would be best to do it now" I said.

"Why do I have to be turned at 14!?" Emma yelled.

"Because that's what we decided. Jacob has to be 19 or older to turn and he is 19. And they said a girl had to be 12 or older. So we waited until you were older to turn you"

"But.... I dont want to be a vampire right now. I want to grow older"

"And you will. Vampires stop growing when they are older"

"Will it hurt?"

"When you wake up yes"

"Wait what?"

"Wake up? What do you mean?!"

"Do you want me to tell you?" I asked.

"No" they looked down.

"Guys this has to be done. If you guys dont turn now. Then you'll be in danger. We have to do it" I said.


We went back to the house and went to our room.

"I'm sorry guys"

"It's ok. We understand why we have to do this"

"Just tell us when we can"

We waited for a couple minutes.

"Ok. We are ready" they said.

I took a deep breath.

"Mom. Can you turn me?" Emma asked.

"If that's ok with Jacob"

"It's ok" he said.

Emma walked to me and Jacob walked to Corbyn.

"I'm so sorry Emma" I said.

"It's ok. Just do it" I looked at Corbyn and he sighed.

He bit his wrist and put it in Jacob's mouth and turned him around and Jacob tried to get away.

"Shh. Shh"

"Dad. What the hell are you doing?!" I bit my wrist and put it in her mouth and turned her around and pulled her closer.

She tried to get away.

Then Corbyn twisted Jacob's head and Jacob fell to the ground.

Emma's eyes widened and I pulled my wrist away.

"I'm sorry"

She pushed me and ran out of the room. I ran after her.

She ran to the door and I pulled her back.

"Mom please let me go!"

"Shh. Shh"

"It's ok. It's ok. It wont hurt. I promise"

A Wolf In An All Vampire School [Completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora