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Hi, my names Corbyn Matthew Besson. I am 18 years old and I was born in Texas. I moved to LA to get away from my bullies at school. I am a werewolf and I have a loving family. My mom works at the CPS. My brother is in college. My sister is in Freshman year. They all love me very much and I love them. And my dad works in the army. Haven't seen him in like 2 years. He is an amazing guy.


I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm going off. I slapped the top of it to turn it off and then pain came rushing into the palm of my hand. I ignored it and I got up. I grabbed some clothes and I got ready. I wore a blue hoodie and black ripped jeans. I put my white shoes on. I grabbed my phone. I went downstairs and I put it in my bag. I didn't even bother to make breakfast.

I said goodbye to my mom. Ashley came down and we went to my car. We got in. I started driving to the school. "Corbyn. Are you alright?" She asked. "I'm fine why?" I asked. "I don't know. You look a little nervous" "Well it's kind of hard to go to a new school. Losing your friends but I'm fine" I said. "I understand" she said. I pulled into the parking lot and I parked my car. I didn't see anyone so I assumed that everyone was inside.

We got out of the car and we went in. We saw humans? Why were there humans in the school. Everyone looked at us while we were walking to the office. We walked in and we got our schedules. I hugged Ashley when we got out of the office and I kissed her head. "Bye Ashley. I'll see you later" "Bye Corbyn" she said. We went our separate ways. I found my locker and I put the combo in. I opened it and I put my stuff in the locker. I got some stuff for my first class which was English.

I closed my locker and I saw 2 guys. One had blond hair and the other had short brown hair. "Can I help you?" I asked. "Are you a werewolf?" The boy with the brown hair asked. "Mhm. Why?" I asked. "Just wondering. I'm Jonah and this is my crazy friend Eben" Eben pushed Jonah's head a little and I chuckled. "I'm Corbyn" they smiled a little. "What class do you have?" Jonah asked. "English" "Same. Let's go" Eben said. He grabbed Jonah's shirt and dragged him.

I chuckled and I started walking to class. I walked in. I saw a bunch of students and a teacher in the class. I walked to Jonah and Eben. I sat next to them. We started class. We had to go through the whole new kid thing.


It was lunch time. I was so excited. Lunch is my favorite part of the day because we don't have any work to do. I was at my locker, putting my art stuff away when I heard someone talking. "Wow. That wolf over there smells delicious" my eyes widened. 'What?' I felt a hand on my back. I jumped and I looked to my right. I saw Eben and Jonah. "Sorry" Jonah said. I shut my locker. "You okay? You look like you just saw someone die" Eben said. "I'm fine" I lied.

"Okay" we started walking to lunch. We sat at a lunch table and we started eating. I noticed something on Jonah's plate. It was in a cup but it looked like it had blood in it. "What is that?" I asked Jonah. "Oh this?" He asked pointing to the cup with the red stuff in it. "Mhm"

"Um.. it's cherry juice. It's really good" "I've never had that" "You can buy some at the store. This is mine" he said while grabbing it. I chuckled. Then I heard talking. "Yo guys! Come over here! We've got someone we want you to meet!" Jonah yelled. I looked and I saw 3 guys. One with curly hair. One with brown hair. And one with nice blond hair. The blondie sat next to me and he looked at me. He was shocked. 'Holy shit, he's cute'

"A wolf?" The guy with the curly hair said. "Yeah. Guys. This is Corbyn" I looked at them. I waved a little. "I'm Jack" "I'm Zach" "I'm Daniel" 'Damn it, he has a nice voice' "So why did you come here Corbyn?" Jack asked. "I was bullied in my last school and I didn't want to deal with it anymore so I told my mom and we moved"

"Did your parents get a divorce or something?" Zach asked. "No. My dads in the army" "Oh wow" Jonah said. "Haven't seen him in like 2 years" "That sucks" Daniel said. We continued eating. "Okay. How come you guys get that drink and I don't?" "What drink?" Daniel asked. "That" I pointed to it. "Um. It's b-" "Cherry juice" Jonah said cutting Daniel off. Jonah looked at Daniel and Daniel made an 'o' shape with his mouth. I was confused but I ignored it. We continued talking and eating.


It was the end of the day and I was at my car, waiting for Ashley. I saw the boys talking at a different car. Ashley ran over and she got in the car. I got in. "What's wrong? You looked scared" I said. "Something happened"

"What happened?" "We were just talking and-" she locked the doors. "Ash?" I asked. I was worried. When my sisters scared, I'm scared. I don't like it when my siblings are scared. "She seemed nice and all but then. I saw veins under her eyes and blood shots in her eyes. I asked what was wrong and she just turned around"

"She wouldn't tell me what was wrong and just told me to leave. And she said she didn't want to hurt me and then walked away" I started the car and I drove home. "I don't think those are humans" I said. "What do you think they are?" "I have no idea" I parked in the driveway and we went inside. We said hello to mom and we went to our rooms. I put my bag in my room and I went downstairs. I helped my mom make dinner. "So how was school?" "Good. I met a few people"

"What are their names?" She asked. "Jonah. Eben. Zach. Jack. And Daniel. Honestly. I like Daniel already. He's adorable" I said. "So you have friends and a crush. Finally" she said while cutting the vegetables. "Yeah. Ashley met some girl but she said that the girl looked weird when they were talking today. The girl didn't tell Ashley what was wrong and said she didn't want to hurt her and then walked away"

"What did she look like?" "Ashley said that the girl had blood shots in her eyes and veins under her eyes" "Hm. I don't know. Maybe it's just her allergies" "Right. But why would she say that she didn't want to hurt Ashley if she has allergies?" "Maybe those allergies bother her and when people say something about it and once they do. She gets angry" I giggled. We continued talking and making dinner.


We ate dinner already. It was late at night. Probably 8 or 9. I was laying in bed, trying to sleep when I heard a noise from my window. It sounded like something broke. I walked over to the window and I opened my window. I didn't see anyone. I closed my window and I went to the bed. I laid down and I closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

Hello. How's everyone's day going? I hope it's going well. I hope you guys will enjoy this story.

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