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*few months later*


I've finally had enough. I know Dylan will never love me.

He has been hanging out with this girl and I know he likes her.

'Was the kiss nothing to him? Did he not want to do it? Did I just ruin our friendship?'

He has been very distant with me. Hasn't talked to me. Doesnt even look at me.

Everytime I want to talk to him. He ignores me and walks away.

So I've had enough.

I was in my dorm and I was holding a stake.

I looked at it and sighed.

I put it to my chest and shut my eyes.

'Dont do it Tommy! Please! Tommy! Dont do it! You can find someone else! I ONLY WANT DYLAN!'

I stabbed myself a little and tears rolled down my cheeks.

I then heard someone talking.

It was Dylan. He was talking to that girl again.

Then I heard him grab the doorknob.

I pushed it in more and it was so close to my heart.

Then the door opened and Dylans eyes widened.

He dropped his stuff and ran over.

He pulled it out and pulled me closer.

"Dont do that!"

"Why would you care?"

The girl left.

"It's not like you care about me anymore"

"Tommy" he lifted my head and I pushed him.

"You dont even care about me! You would rather have that stake be in my heart right now instead of having it on the floor!"

Tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Dont do that shit!"

"I do care about you! I would rather have it be on the floor instead of your heart!"

"If you cared about me! You wouldnt be ignoring me! Walking away from me! Not looking at me! Not even talking to me!"

"I knew that it would've ruined our friendship!"

He looked down.

"You know you want that thing in my heart! You know it!"

"No I dont!" He looked at me.


I grabbed the stake and pushed him.

A Wolf In An All Vampire School [Completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat