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*few weeks later*


I was at home, in my bed, laying down and not doing anything else.

I had to skip school today because of parent issues. My parents arent the nicest people to me.

They got drunk last night and hurt me because they thought it was my fault that my grandma died even though she died of old age.

The door swung open and I saw my parents. They looked mad.

I got up and hissed at them as they walked over. They started punching me, kicking me, hitting me, calling me names and just abusing me.

I cried in pain.

Then they left the room and I just sat there, weak.

My phone buzzed. I grabbed it and saw that Eben texted me.

Hey babe
Are you ok?
You didn't come to school today

I'm fine

Are you sure?
Want me to come over?

No I'm fine
I just need some alone time after last night

What happened?

I'll explain it another day. I promise. I just need some rest

Just text me if you want me to come over ok

Ok bye baby

Bye honey

I sighed and put my phone down. I laid on the bed and closed my eyes. I fell asleep.

*time skip*

I woke up to feeling pain in my back. I realized I was laying down and someone was hitting my back with something.

I looked and saw my father. He had a whip.

It hit my face and I yelled in pain.

See these kinds of things. Do not heal. They heal like the cuts on humans heal.

"DAD STOP!" I yelled.

"DAD! WHAT IS HAPPENING UP THERE?!" I heard Ryan. My eyes widened.

My dad stopped and got up. He picked me up by the shirt and threw me to the wall. I passed out.

*time skip*

I woke up to the sound of yelling downstairs. It was Ryan and my father. They were yelling at each other.


I ran down and saw Reese behind Ryan. She was scared. Ryan and Reese saw me and their eyes widened.

"Dad! What the hell did you do to him!?" Ryan yelled. I hissed when my father grabbed the whip. I ran over and went in front of them.

"Guys go to my room now" I said. They ran upstairs and stared at me.

"I would rather have you hurt me instead of you hurting them" I said. "Ok" he pushed me to the floor and started hitting me with the whip.

I yelled in pain.

Ryan and Reese started crying.

"GUYS! GO! I DONT WANT YOU GUYS TO SEE THIS!" I yelled. They ran away.

"DAD STOP!" I yelled. "Shut up!" He yelled as he continued to hit me with the whip.

I saw my mom. Not drunk. When she isnt drunk. She sometimes cares about me but not that much.

She put a hand over her mouth and dropped the glass cup. It broke when it hit the floor and she ran over.

"MOM! NO! STAY BACK!" I yelled.

"THIS COULD KILL YOU!" She yelled. "I'll be fine. Just.... go comfort Ryan and Reese please" I said. She ran up the stairs and my dad put the whip down. He grabbed the bat and started hitting me with it.

I hissed and grabbed the bat. I broke it and ran upstairs. I ran in and shut the door. I sat on the bed.

'I'm guessing Reese and Ryan are in some other room cause they are not in here'

I locked the door and got ready slowly so I wouldn't hurt myself. I carefully laid down and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.


A Wolf In An All Vampire School [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora