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I woke up the next morning beside jack who was still sleeping and as I sat up everything that happened yesterday came back.

The boy I like lied to my face about some and my bestfriend had an argument with me. I looked back at jack and gave him a wry smile before dragging on one of his sweaters and going down the hall to Corbyn's room

" bean are you awake "

Corbyn sat up yawning before looking at me

" sorry bean I didn't mean to wake you I'll just go"

"No no it's fine "

I walk over to the bed sitting right beside him

" so why you up do early sis"

I draw down the sleeves of the hoodie that happened to belong to jack, nervously

" I can't stop thinking about yesterday "

" the fight...."

I nodded holding my head down

" I know it's over but as a bestfriend and someone I'm a fan of you kind of see them in a certain way and when it  changes it just shocked me"

I say to him still looking down at my palms

" oh reya....when I heard you and jack going at it yesterday I was honestly so scared that he'd hurt you badly...with words of course, but he didn't he's never that, how do I put it, conservative when arguing even and you'd expect that since you're a girl but that's not jack, he has a soft spot for you and it's noticeable "

" *sigh* I just don't know were to go from an argument especially with Jack it hurts"


I could have swore I heard him mumble under his breathe but I shrugged as I head back to Jack's

Who was awake now

" hey....."

" morning bubbles "

I was convinced to make this as normal as I could

" so..we've become early risers now huh avery"

" yep "

" Jack Robert Avery "

" hmm"

" I wasn't calling you I just wanted to say it"

" well in that case Areya rebecca milano"

I laugh

" that's not even my middle name"

" that brings me to my new point how much about you do I know I don't even know"

" ....then let's talk about it"

" sure"


I lay on his chest as I talked about my old school, family siblings so on

" ...yeah and then dad fell of the chair and we all cracked up"

He laughs as I finished tell my story before pokking my side

" you still didn't tell me your middle name bubbles "

" if I tell you you're not gonna believe me"

" really, tell me then"

" fine my full name is Areya Avery-May Milano "

" Avery may wow down to the spelling too "

" yup"

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