3.-The Map

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The two women spent that day researching the island and its inhabitants, and also drinking tea. They found out many things about the island, like how many people live there and how people had lived there for many years.


The blonde's head shot up. "What is it?! What did you find!?" She jumped up to stand next to the zombie.

"I-I think I found out where this is!"

"Wait, the town? The island!?"

"Yes! Right here!" Cleo grinned, pointing at a small dot on the map they had found only an hour ago. She pushed over an old magnifying glass to see it better.

"Cleo, that's..." False squinted her eyes. "That's... tiny!"

"I know, but it's pretty cool! Two islands, if you look at it! I was looking for a small ocean with an island in it, but it's just-" she moved the magnifying glass away, dragging her finger along the map. "It's like a Cheerio of water surrounded by a Cheerio of land."

"Sure is," False's sapphire eyes glimmered, scanning over the map. "Say, where's our house on that map?"

"Oh, it's just-" Cleo pointed a few inches away from the islands. "Not too far, but this map is really big, so it's about..." she glanced at the map key. "A few miles, I would think? We could call a boating agency to visit."

"Wait, you aren't saying we should..."

"...I'm saying we should go there, yeah! This book was made, what, 5 years ago? Stuff changes, sweetie!"

"I-I know, just-"


"Who's going to take care of the kitties? They don't like sitters, you know how it went last time..."

"Yeah, we had to tip George waaay more than normal. He was scratched up like hell." Cleo smiled, moving her laptop across the desk. "I don't think we should hire him again."

"So what should we do? Cat hotels cost far too much, and I'm pretty sure George would have told the others at his job about how Thimbles and Gobo attacked him," False chuckled.



"Are you sure you want to go? You seem really hesitant," Cleo looked away, pretending to see something through the window.

"Yeah... I was planning on staying here, if that's okay with you?" The blonde smiled, placing her hand on Cleo's shoulder.  

"Sure, you can stay! I'll call you every night and say how everything is doing! We can do this together, although pretty far apart," The ginger smiled, turning to the computer. 

"Okay, sweetie."


(213 words)


I know this was really short, but this was more of a filler chapter ::)

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