G: wo..actually.. that..its..

Others: what?

Gauri thaught that..its easy..but she thinks so much...the first thing is coming to her mind is..SKY IS BLUE IN COLOR..

G: (to herself ) Oh god...😫

A: you have 3 more minutes..

O: (to gauri) you are the one who said its easy..then what happened?

G: wo..

She looked into his eyes both pair of eyes are lock ..and she said..

G: (passionately ) Aasman mein log taare aur chaand dekhte hein , pata Nahi kyun humein bas Aapke chehra nazar Aate hein......

She said it unknowingly....

(Note : Dialogue credit goes to welcom2myworld😜)

Others: Aww...😍.

They came out of form eyelock because of these duffers🙄..
Rikara look here and there..

R: arrey..my barbie doll become poet.. like Omkie..hmm..waise kon he wo?


R:that one..who you remember when you looks to the sky..

G: 😳wo..its just an answer Rudy..

R: liar..

G: ok..the one who mentioned is...

She again looked at Omkara..he also looked at her..

O: is?...

G: (others ) my mom..😬

A: hmm..Ri.do you know onething?

G: what?

A: thum ekdhum liar hu..😒

G: no😵

B: arrey guys stop it..we all know that who is the actual one she mentioned ryt? Then stop thos argument.. and bhaby spin the bottle..

Gauri spined the bottle and lands on Rudy..

A: rudy..give this chance to bhavu..

R: ok..

G: so bhavu truth or dare?

B: truth

G: ok..Didn't you say before that it's your job to find Rudi's girlfriend list?

B: yes..

G: Why?..

Bhavya looked at rudy who is waiting for her reply..

B:kyunky... this one is first class duffer hey..and that so called GFs will make him fool..and i can't tolerate it....because he is my..

R: your..?

R: B.E.F..

R: what?

B: Best Enemy Forever.. 😉

Others smiled..

A: guy's I'm hungry..

Others : we too yaar..

G: ok..then come..lets have lunch..

Others : ok..

They ate food and went back to their own houses..

Prologue :

Voice : Mr.Sharma..what foolishness you are talking?.

S: I'm saying the truth sir..she is now Mrs.Oberoi..


Voice : how dare you? I gave my daughter to you for growing her up..and now you are saying that she is married...

S: sir..its not my mistake

Voice : shut up..now don't dare to utter a word..listen to me carefully..
Within one month.. I will take her back to London and no one can stop me

By saying this he went form there...

S:forgive me gauri...

Gauri's father cried.... one pair of eyes watching this all from outside of the room with shock..


Hmm..finally i updated with a hint of Twist....so what you guys are thinking.. comment your thoughts here...

Again Sorry for the late update..

With love


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