Chapter 37: Aftermath

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Vega's POV

A loud thud echoes through the room as another one of my icicles hits the center of the board ahead of me. 

"Well done Ms. Kate," the substitute instructor says as he continues to walk back and forth behind us, but I don't hear him. All I can see is the board in front of me, and all I hear is the thuds as icicle after icicle hits the board perfectly in the center but despite my perfection, my head is nowhere near this room. 

All day my mind has been replaying the events of this morning. And if it wasn't bad enough that I had to sit through all my classes trying to hide my broken heart I also had to pretend that watching Seth and Carla walk around school holding hands all day didn't bother me. I had to listen to people whisper about what a cute couple they thought they were and how they knew it was only a matter of time before they got together. But what hurt the most was sitting at lunch listening to Carla giggle as Seth made some sort of joke, watching her snuggle into his side and run her hands through his hair while listening to Jade gag and mumble how much they deserved one another. 

As a young girl I always had a feeling that one day someone would break my heart, after all, that is the nature of life but I never imagined that the person who would hurt me the most was the one I loved in not only one but two lifetimes. The boy who looked me in the eyes and told me he would never leave me more times than I could count. The one who held me in his arms saying that he could never love anyone the way he loved me. Lies. It was nothing but lies! 

He never loved me. He never cared about me at all. I was nothing but an experience to him. He was everything to me but I wasn't close to the same for him. 

"Ms. Kate!" the instructor says his voice shaking slightly. 

A thousand years ago that boy got on his knees and swore he would marry me one day or die trying. He swore we would be together for the rest of our lives but it was nothing but a sweet lie. He never wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. He never wanted me for anything more than... I don't know. I don't know and I don't want to know. I want to forget about him altogether and get back to the life I had before he came in.

"Ms. Kate you need to calm down now!" 

He said he had to break up with me. He said he didn't have a choice. But how is that possible? What could possibly force you to end a relationship with someone? What could be more important than our love? Was he scared that our councils would find out? Was he worried about what could happen to us if they found out? We got away with our relationship once (mostly) so why would this time be any different? Why now all of a sudden is he so afraid of being caught? What happened to the boy who loved to take risks? What happened to the guy who told me that our love was worth all the hiding and the risk? What happened to him? Could all this time really change a person that much? I thought that death was incapable of destroying what we had but as it turns out he did that and much more.

"Vega!" my mom's voice cuts through the air pulling me from spiraling further than I already did. 

The air is colder than it was a few minutes ago and everyone looks afraid. 

"What's going on?" I ask paying closer attention to the bits of ice swarming around me like a tornado. 

"Vega," my mom says her lips wobbling like she is about to cry. "Please put your hands down."

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