The New 'Allie'

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"I am surprised that you've heard about that."

"How are you surprised?" The Jarl laughed at the man with the bright blue eyes, meanwhile, I noticed the jealousy in Rollo's eyes. "Everyone has heard of your exploits. Why have we not offered our guests dry clothes and food? Treat these folk well. Give them ale, let them dry out, feed them. Tomorrow, you and I will talk again, Ragnar Lothbrok."


The guards had escorted us to our chambers were we could change clothing and sleep and had explained where to eat. Smiling to Bjorn and rubbing his head to mess up his hair, I disappeared behind my room's door after also saying goodbye to the rest who had been walking among the hallways. The room wasn't as awful as I thought it would be and I plopped down onto a chair which was decorated by deer fur to make it softer to sit on. Also I spotted an wooden table with beautiful carved symbols in it and the big, soft, decorated fur bed had caught my eye the most.

I kicked off my boots before making my way onto the  soft bed. Only, fast It became way to comfortable for me because I almost fell asleep, so I quickly shook my head before getting off of the bed again. I still had to heal and rake rest, but I couldn't miss dinner with the rest either. Grabbing some clothing out of the symbol-carved closet, I quickly noticed the clothes fitted me right and I headed out of my room towards the feast hall. I was happy my dress covered all my skin, I didn't like people seeing the countless scars. Seeing Rollo, Ragnar and Jarl Borg, already eating I joined them, taking a seat beside them.

"I take it, from what you said yesterday, that king Horik is prepared to compromise and offer some deal regarding those lands of mine, which he still occupies?"

"He is prepared to pay you to renounce your illegal claims of his lands."

"You disappoint me now, Ragnar Lothbrok. I thought you'd come here with a serious purpose. If you would just name your price-..."

"The land is priceless." The Jarl had cut off the blue eyed brother beside me and I just laughed, shaking my head while I grabbed a piece of bread. "Which is why King Horik wants to keep it for himself."

"Every piece of land has a price, just like every human." Rollo smartly announced while biting of a piece of meat. 

"Well, you don't understand. This is not a small plot of land on which you grow and onions. We're talking about a vast swathe of land, and on this land, in the earth, are minerals, things of great value. Why else would I assert my claim?" He opened his hands, shrugging at us before standing behind two other men.

"Because you're selfish?" I smiled sweetly at the Jarl before raising my eyebrows at him playfully. In the corner of my eyes I could see both Rollo on my right and Ragnar on my left, shaking their heads, though they both seemed to enjoy it as well.

"King Horik resists your claim, but still, in good faith, he is willing to settle with you. If you will name a reasonable price."

"At the moment, my price is king Horik's head." The three of us bursted into laughter into the face of the 'oh I'm so holy' Jarl and rage was possible seeing in his eyes, but I couldn't care less, we all couldn't care less about his emotions.

"Well, then, it seems I am done. Hold on, please, sit down, sit down. Let's see if we can find another way."

"What do you have in mind?"

"What if my claim was acknowledged, but I was willing to lease the land back to the King during his lifetime? Or what if we deferred judgement on ownership, but shared the mineral rights? What do you say?" He desperately spoke up, doing everything to get a piece of that fucking land and Ragnar just nodded before the Jarl spoke up again. "Can we start negotiating in this manner?"

Borg's eyes met mine and I, in annoyance, nodded before Rollo laid his food down and patted Ragnar on his shoulder, leaning onto me. "Why not?"

"I have not been given the authority to negotiate in this manner."

"You mean King Horik sent you here with nothing but a demand? And yet he speaks of peace!" Rollo retreated his arm from his brother and placed it around my shoulders, making me narrow my eyes.

"I don't know what is in his mind."

"Well, then, maybe you should ask him. Let me make a suggestion. Why don't you send one of your men back so he can put to King Horik my ideas for a remedy?"

"If you think that will work." Ragnar stated while taking another bite.

"Good. Your messenger will take several days. So in the meantime, why don't you and your men go and visit our famous ash tree? It is famous not only for its size, but because if never loses its leaves, summer or winter. Some people even say it's Yggdrasil, the tree that holds up the sky. And I will provide you an escort. I only have one very small request. I would like one of your men, or woman, to stay behind here as a kind of security. You understand, I hope?"

"My brother Rollo will stay behind." Ragnar confirmed and quickly stood up, leaving before Rollo even had the change to go against his respond.



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