8: I don't trust HER

Start from the beginning

"Ciro we weren't done yet." Francesco gives him a stern voice.

"He apologized to you Franky and you know he means it. So go easy on him." 

Francesco just exhales loudly and then sits at the chair nearby.

"Okay so while you guys were playing sorry - sorry game, look what I found!!" Ciro says with excitement.

He moves the screen in my direction and shows me a pictures of Dante and Lucifer. They seem to be a club drinking with a few other men - who I don't recognize.

"They are at Club B - VIP room with the Bad B MC Prez and VP." Ciro explains as he shows the picture to Francesco.

Club B was owned by the MC gang Bad B. They were famous for drugs and weapons dealing. Something that I did appreciate in my club or area. 

"This one is from last Tuesday." He shows us another picture of Dante and Bad B MC VP exchanging weapons outside a old construction building.

"And this one was from last night, three hours before you were shot." The picture was a bit dark and unclear compared to the rest. But it was outside some warehouse and there were five guys instead of four. Before I could ask who the fifth men was Ciro points at the two men in the right "They are Dante and Lucifer" Then he points at the other two on left as the MC members.

"And the one in the middle is Corbiniano Costa more commonly known as King cobra. He was the one who drugged you." He opens up a video player and starts the video. It was a CCTV video from behind the old building where I was held captive. This video was clearer than the last photo so I could clearly see Corbininano's face. 

"Who on earth is he now??" Francesco asked before I could.

"Corbiniano is a Pharmaceutical scientist. In 2000 he was hired by the JS group Pharmaceutical Company to invent a new type of analgesic. A drug that would start working within microseconds of administration and have fewer side effects. It was supposed to be a trial drug for Chemo patient. So after three years of continuous hard work he and his team came up with a drug called dream. But the first month into the trial there were 40 volunteer deaths and the trial was stopped."

"Why??" Francesco asked.

"Apparently the drug was super strong analgesic which reacted very fast and helped the Cancer patient with pain. But it had a strong addiction and hallucination property too which became a bigger problem than the pain."

"God" Francesco says while rubbing his hand over his face in frustration 

"That's not the only worst part." Ciro spoke.

"Oh god what now??"

"Corbiniano was supposed to discontinue the drug production but he got greedy and started selling it on the street. And once the authority found that out they revoked his licence and fired him. But that didn't stop him, he just got creative. He opened up his own dream lab and started supplying. He recently came in contact with Dante and it seems like they are planning to introduce it in our area."

"Over my dead body" Francesco said as he stood up from the chair. Among the three of us, Francesco is the one who hated drug the most. It had something to do with his friends death but I was not sure because he rarely spoke about her.

"And I think Corbiniano injected Lucca with the same drug - dream."

"What??" Now that Ciro mentioned about it the drug action. I realise how I could barely feel any pain at the diner where I meet my angel - wait was it real or a product of my hallucination. And there was only one way to check that.

"Ciro give me your phone."

"I thought you would ask me for my phone the moment I entered the room. Pretty slow huh Lucca." He smirks at me and hands me his cellphone.

I ignore him and his words. My mind is only focused on one thing. My angel. I quickly unlock his phone and check  for his recent incoming call. I see a number saved under the name 'Buttercup' Maybe she is real. I press call and hold my breath.


"Angel," I sigh with relief when I hear soft sleepy voice.

Oh shot I didn't even check the time before I called.


"Yes, Angel it's me. Did I wake you up??"

"No, it's okay Lucca. I am just glad you called. So what did the doctor say???"

With a smile on my lips I reply "That everything is okay, and I don't need to be hospitalized."

"Are you sure?? And what about you shoulder?? How bad is it??"

"My shoulder is good angel. It is just a bit sore and a lot painful when I move it.
But beside that I am really fine."On that both Francesco and Ciro huff.

"You sure Lucca."

But I ignore then and reply my angel. "100%"

"Thank god, I was just so worried about you."

"So who is taking care of you. I mean are you alone or is Ciro there with you??"

I couldn't hold back my chuckle. I know what she was trying to ask, whether I have any girlfriend or not. No one mattered before her and no will matter now. It's her for me.
"Very subtle Angel very subtle."

She mumbles."Not very subtle I suppose then"

I laugh at her shyness. She did feel something for me or else she would have never bothered to ask if I had any girlfriend. God she is so perfect. I wish she was here with so I hold her in my arms and tell her how much she meant to me. And suddenly an idea popped in my head.

"Angel, there is no one here to take care of me and I would love for you to come visit me."
Francesco began to protest but I ignore him.


I chuckled at her excitement and notice Ciro silently telling me he will go and get her. I nod in agreement. "Yes, I will send Ciro to pick you up."

"Oh you don't have to do that. Just send me your location, and I will be there."She tried to protest, but I wanted Ciro to drive her here. And I hated the idea of her taking uber all the way here.

"No I want to angel. It will give me peace of mind. Please."At that she agrees.

I nod at Ciro, letting him know that he was good to go. He moves out of the room silently, and Francesco follows him. We talk for a few minutes before she tells me that she needed to get ready. 


It's has been 30 minutes since Ciro left to get my angel. I lie in the bed staring at the roof counting every single second passing by.

My room door opens and push my head up to see if that my angel. But it's just francesco. He walks in the room holding one of Ciro IPad. I slowly lie back and stare at the roof onces again.

"Bella Gabrielle. Age: 27. Born and brought up in Sicilia. Both parents are deceased. No sibling or next to kin alive. Works at SG General Hospital as a paramedic. Currently living with Elisa in a share apartment at the 67th kalle street. No boyfriend. No parking tickets. No criminal record. Her record is clean as the day it was created Lucca "

"What is all this Francesco??" I ask him in utter confusion. Why was he reading me my angels information?

"While you on call with your angel." he air quotes angel and that pisses me. " I asked Ciro to run a quick background check on her before he left to get her."

"You did what??" I growled so loud that I was pretty sure the soldiers at my entrances gate heard me. I couldn't just fathom what Francesco did.

"Lucca, I had to do a basic security check on her after all you invited her here. But I think I need to run a deeper check on her once Ciro is back. Because I didn't find anything in this. I mean not even a parking ticket??? Nobody is that cleans." He huffs.

"No francesco, I don't care what you say you. You are not digging in her past anymore. I am already pissed at you and Ciro for running a security check on my Angel behind my back."

When he starts to say something I cut him off, "I know this is your department but this is something that affects me. So you should have asked me before doing anything like that."

"Lucca, her record is suspiciously clean. And even her parents file is completely empty. Like not even a single record??? I don't trust her "

Before I could say anything to stop Francesco the door to my bedroom swings open and in comes my angel with Ciro behind her.

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