2-The wedding

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A minister dressed like Elvis walked out from a room behind.
"Welcome! Thank you, thank you very much!"

Both Louis and Harry giggled. The minister smiled at them.
"So which one of you is the happy couple?"

"Ehm, that would be us. Yep." Louis giggled.

"You can stand over here and the best men there." The minister said and pointed.

"I'm the maid of honor!" Niall shouted.

That set Harry, Louis, and Liam off in a fit of giggles. The minister looked amused.
"Right. First of all, are you both entering this marriage willingly?"

"Of course!" Niall immediately shouted.

"Ehm, and I need to hear it from the grooms as well." The minister chuckled.

"Grooms." Louis giggled.

Harry nudged Louis' shoulder with his own.
"Pull yourself together. Yes Mr. Presley, the king of Rock n' Roll, we are willingly getting married."

"Right, yes Elvis, we are!" Louis grinned.

Liam shook his head in amusement. This was such a bad idea but he was tired of being the voice of reason. They could make their own mistakes now.
"Shall we begin?" The minister asked.

"Yeee-ha!" Louis shouted and pumped his fist in the air which made Harry cackle out loud.

"Dea..." The minister started but Louis interrupted him.

"Wait! Niall, you're our wedding photographer. Come on! Film the wedding!"

Niall grinned and pulled up his phone. His was swaying back and forth a little. He gave them the thumb up when he pressed recording. The minister cleared his voice.
"Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today to wed this man with this man. Or as the great Elvis Presley would have said can't help falling in love. Because love is what we're celebrating here and I can see that you both love each other deeply."

Liam choked on spit and started to cough. That made Harry giggle and soon they were all laughing except the minister who looked confused.
"Please continued." Harry said as soon as he managed to collect himself.

"Do you have wedding vows?"

"Ehm, sure! Can I go first?" Louis said with a grin.

"What are you doing?" Harry muttered underneath his breath.

"I'm improvising." Louis chuckled. He turned to look at Harry.
"You're awesome babycakes!"

Harry cackled out loud and covered his mouth with his hand to muffle the sound. 
"Ehm, thanks, so are you, sweetcheeks!"

They turned to look at the minister again. 
"Oh, that was it? Well, straight to the point at least. Do you..." He looked at a paper in his hand. "Louis William Tomlinson take Harry Edward Styles to be your husband and do you promise to love and cherish him until death do you part?"

"Abso-fucking-lutely." Louis smirked.

Harry rolled his eyes at him with a smile on his lips. He might not have pulled off the eye roll completely. That bottle of champagne was buzzing in his head.
"Do you Harry Edward Styles take Louis William Tomlinson to be your husband and do you promise to love and cherish him until death do you part?"

Harry stared at Louis.
"Yeah, I do." He answered breathlessly. He was getting a little emotional.

"Do you have rings?" The minister asked.

"Shit! I knew we forgot something!" Louis said.

"I got it covered!" Niall said with a grin and presented two rings. It was two Gucci silver rings with something written in black: Blind for love. "I thought these were perfect for the two of you." He smirked.

Harry gave him a pensive stare but Louis just laughed and took them. He handed Harry one of them.
"Say after me, with this ring I thee wed."

"With this ring I thee were." Louis said and looked Harry firmly in the eyes while he put the ring on his finger.

"With this ring, I thee wed." Harry said and put the ring on Louis' finger as well. 

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You can kiss! I'm all shook up!" The minister said and made some dance moves.

Harry's eyes grew wide but Louis just smiled and got up on his toes. He threw his arms around Harry's neck and pressed their lips together. Harry let out a small gasp and snuck his arms around Louis' back. They moved their lips in sync and then Louis licked Harry's bottom lip to ask for entrance and Harry opened his mouth. They deepened the kiss. All the hair on Harry's arms stood up when his tongue touched Louis' for the first time. He had fantasized about kissing Louis many times in the past but it was better than he could have ever imagined.

Okay, he had to stop this. He broke the kiss and Louis stumbled forward. They stared at each other, both looking confused and shocked at the same time. They were interrupted by Niall and Liam who threw themselves at them while shouting "congratulation!"

They hugged them back.
"Come on! Let me take a picture of the newlyweds!"  Niall shouted.

Harry and Louis stood beside each other and Niall ran around taking pictures from different angles while he instructed them what to do. They took one with the minister in the Elvis costume as well and he took some photos of all four of them. Finally, Niall demanded that Harry would carry Louis bridal style and Harry smirked and swooped Louis off his feet.
"Hey!" Louis protested but he held his arms around Harry's neck and allowed him to carry him outside. They stopped at the reception to sign some papers and the girls behind the desk was smiling brightly.

"So Harry Tomlinson, what now?" Louis smirked.

"Who says I'm gonna take your last name Louis Styles?" Harry huffed.

"What's wrong with my last name?" Louis whined.

"Fine! Harry Tomlinson but I'm still Harry Styles on stage! Happy?" Harry chuckled.

"Very!" Louis answered with a grin.

They were all too plastered to remember the reason behind the wedding. They were just too caught up in the moment.
"Wedding party!" Niall shouted and they got back in the limo and toasted with the last of the champagne. 

"I can't believe you're married." Liam grinned.

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