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WALKING through the room full of paintings made her nervous. A few more steps and she couldn't turn back. She knew she couldn't. Once she stepped in that ballroom, there was no turning back. There was no way to escape who she truly was.

She was proud of who she was. And if Kit couldn't accept that, then it would be sad, yes. But she could move on. She would.

Bea neared the mahogany curtains, walking past the same guards. Their expressions weren't emotionless as usual. They held some awe and astonishment. She gave them a small smile. But she didn't step out yet. She could hear Valina's voice outside, speaking to the guests.

Valina stood at the top of the staircase, two glass slippers in her grasp. Kit was astonished.

Yet something was off. Valina, his personal servant, was not the person he'd expected the mystery princess to truly be.

He didn't care about the fact that Valina was a servant, he cared about her personality. He had gotten a glimpse of her two faces. He caught her yelling at a servant once, who was cleaning the ballroom. Valina mocked her mother.

Thats why Kit had walked along the townsquare. He was discussing of Valina's behaviors to the Captain and Grand Duke, ready to approach the King.

The Grand Duke had defended Valina, though Kit couldn't fathom why. So he gave up, and along the way met her.

The Grand Duke was fuming as he watched Valina from above. This was not the plan. The plan was to make Valina a princess.

Though Valina had a different plan to make herself a princess, by marrying Kit. Valina had tricked the old Grand Duke, and he had fell for it. Valina had expressed her concerns for the mystery princess, how that servant was the worst girl imaginable.

The kingdom was not meant to be ruled by a servant. That would be an atrocity. The girl was an embarrassment to the kingdom, and he couldn't have that. Though Valina wasn't much better.

Kit walked towards Valina. He knew she wasn't the princess, he was more interested on the topic of how she got the slippers. Valina wore an almost evil smile. Her green eyes sparkled with greed and victory.

Kit stopped. He looked towards the slippers again. They were the same ones, no doubt. They sparkled under the candlelight, reflecting the colors of the rainbow.

Valina approached him. "Hello, Your Highness." She smiled. "I believe you're looking for me, the mystery princess." She smiled and gestured towards the glass slippers in her grasp. They looked out of place in her hands. He didn't return the smile, hesitant.

Bea knew it was time. Her heart was beating in her ears. Was this the right thing to do? Would she have the strength to do it? To reveal herself to Kit. She thought this over, but her heart already knew it's answer. Bea reached to open the curtains.

"Bea!" She turned around to find Cynthia running towards her. "Where have you been? Haven't you heard, the mystery princess has come."

Cynthia hesitated with the next part. "Valina claims to be..."

"Valinas not the mystery princess. I am." Bea blurted out. The candlelight flickered over Cynthias face. There was no shock or astonishment in her eyes, the only change was a small smile.

"I know." Cynthia said.

"What? How? I had-" Bea faltered. She couldn't tell her about the magic, not that she would believe her.

"Bea I've known you for years, you think I can't recognize you when you have a big, poofy, amazing gown, a new hairdo, and glass slippers on." Cynthia laughed.

"You deserve a happy ending Bea." Cynthia murmured. Her features softened.

"I don't know what to do Cynthia."

"I knew you'd say that. Don't worry, I have a plan." Cynthia smirked.

They found themselves in the hallways, hidden from view. They could see the people crowded below the staircase, circled around Valina and Kit. Bea could hear her own heart beat.

"So, you just go in there and-"

"What if he hates me?" Bea cut Cynthia off.


"What if he hates me? I lied to him, a servant is far from a princess. It gives him plenty of reason to reject me." Bea whispered.

"What if he doesn't? Would you really let yourself lose a chance of a happy ending all because of something that might not be true?" Cynthia murmured. Bea stayed silent.

"You're right." Bea picked up a tray, giving her an excuse to be out in the ballroom. Cynthia moved beside her and picked one up too.

She held her breath as she stepped into the ballroom. She was given no looks, everyone was focused on Kit and Valina. There were small murmurs spreading through the crowd, some had smiles on their faces.

Bea and Cynthia set the trays of champagne down on a rectangle table, decorated with a pot of roses and gold accents. Bea felt a lump in her throat, and a sense of dread in her stomach.

"Cynthia I can't do this." She gasped, feeling short of breath.

"Bea, you can." Cynthia urged.

"No, I can't. I'm sorry." Bea exclaimed, hearing her own voice crack.

She turned to walk away, back to where she was hidden, back to her life as a servant. She only hoped that Valina wasn't taken as the mystery princess. Bea also hoped that she herself wouldn't be found, Kit could live with that. Bea could live with that.

Then she heard a loud crash to the right of her. She froze, whipping her head to look at the commotion. Glass and champagne were spilled across the marble floor. The tray was beside it. Cynthia stood there with a small smile and a apologetic look in her eyes.

"Oops." She muttered.

Bea could feel all eyes on her, she could feel their scornful looks, she could feel Valinas gaze, and she could feel his. She felt like a deer in headlights, looking out into the crowd.

Her eyes met his. She could see the spark of recognition in them, his eyes widened in shock. He looked almost the same as he had when they first danced. He wore the same outfit, with light blue accents and a dashingly white coat.

Now he knew who she was, who she truly was.

She tore her gaze away from him and ran.

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