The Sorceress who lost a Magic from the Star

Start from the beginning

Yuga: We'll get to that. It's been a while since we've work together as a team.

Satoru: Just saying, don't slack during patrol.

Kaki: Well, it's just a one time service. Here.

Yuga: Thank you.

Satoru: Thanks.

Yuga: What's a Chiboust by the way?

???: It's a type of cake made from apples, it's really good.

Kaki: Did you say something?

Yuga: No, it's not me.

???: I said that.

(then they look at the girl)

Yuga: Are you talking about Chiboust?

Girl: Yes.

Satoru: Didn't you say that out loud?

Yuga: I told you, it's not me.

Girl: Oh, did you not...

(then the girl's hat gets blown off and she took out a wand)

Girl: Stamatísei!

(then the hat starts to float)

Satoru: Magic?

Girl: Eláte píso!

(then the hat heat to the girl and she got the hat)

Kaki: It's real, Magic is real.

-at the Sky Base-

Eve: This looks good.

Nana: Those are my specialty, Banana muffin, they're, bananice.

Kotaro: Are they edible?

Nana: Of course, they're good.

Najenda: Well, one can really taste good.

(then they took a bite of the banana muffin)

Kotaro: They're good.

(then the alarm went off)

Eve: There's news regarding on the trees.

Najenda: Roger.

(then the monitor shows up)

Reporter: This morning, many people were found tied up by what appeared to be tree branches and were admitted to Hospitals nearby. Thankfully, their lives are not in danger, but according to the hospital affiliate, one of the victims claimed that they were attacked by a tree.


Girl: Here.

Girl 2: Thank you.

Girl: You're welcome. Hey, that's looks cute.

Yuga: Was that magic?

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